7 thoughts on “Sad Blogger News.

  1. Very sorry to hear this news. If suffering makes you strong, these people could lift a house. My prayers for a merciful end. Cancer sucks.

  2. Kathy has been in our prayers since Stilt first started down this road. It’s NOT looking good, “palliative care” is just a way of saying, “let her die with dignity”.

    Unfortunately, it looks like her sojourn here on Earth is done. I pray that Stilt and his daughter will be strong, he will need it.

  3. I will pray for all involved and for very little suffering.

    She will be in a better place some day and we’re all stuck here with the assholes of the world.

  4. I lost a brother to leukemia and a brother-in-law to cancer. No more hopeless feeling in the world. She’ll be in a better place soon. Celebrate with her while you can, then remember the best times and laugh at the years of her humor.

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