5 thoughts on “Ahh, the good old days…

  1. I often get that feeling when I have to deal with office staff at times.
    it seems like they go out of their way to hire stupid or brain dead people ?
    it is also the reason why, I seldom go into town anymore.
    there are a whole lot of younger people who do need to slapped upside their heads though. like all the clowns still wearing masks ?
    but when you see one in a car by themselves, that is when you KNOW the stupid is strong with them.
    the ones who piss me off the most are the mask nazi’s. you know rental cops
    demanding you wear one. we need to watch out for them. they are the ones who will line people up against the wall and say “they where only following orders” I went in the army a couple years after Ma lai. or whatever it was called
    got the whole “lawful order” thing pounded into us.
    one of these days, it would be nice to bounce some moron head off the nearest wall or counter top to wake them up though.

  2. I feel that way when I’m around uninformed people who should know better talk about getting another booster. I keep waiting for them to keel over from in an unexplained death.

  3. I feel that way when stupid people are being received too clearly. I’d be good with fuzzy reception of retards.

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