7 thoughts on “If you have to press..

    • yup. stopped doing that a vey long time ago.
      unless it affects me or any of my loved ones. I just don’t GAF either.
      now if they bring back dueling again. things might change.
      as there are a whole lot of assholes that need to be shot in the face
      these days. a lot of smiling lawyers come to mind right off.
      bet you anything, it was the lawyers that got it stopped .
      too many assholes hide behind the law.
      I am kind of old school, don’t really want your money, but seeing your blood on the ground though gives me a warm feeling.

      • I’ve always felt that it’s too bad murder is illegal in both God’s and man’s eyes. There’s a shit load of people on this rock that just need killing. Oh, we should be convincing them of the error of their ways with dialogue? That hasn’t worked since Cain.

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