What a Maroon.
I’ll bet this clown thinks he is some kind of intellectual too.
Yet another Bozo who doesn’t understand that we just want to be left the fuck alone.
For that we are fascists?
Because we like Farmers Markets?
Are you fucking serious?
Pay attention here you Commie Bitch.
I have a piece of advice for you Poindexter.
Quit playing with things you obviously can’t comprehend and nobody will get hurt.
You want to live in a city, we don’t give a rusty fuck.
We’re like that, ya know?
Your pathetic attempts at division are pretty weak sauce.
No shit, pal. These pukes make me tired.
Fuckin’ IDJIT!
What’s he gonna eat?
Soylent Green?
I had my share of urban living. no thanks, I like it where I am now.
back in philly, you had to lock up everything you wanted to keep . the one time I got a newer car, it got keyed inside of a week. funny thing about philly, it they can’t steal it, they will try to fuck it up somehow. and I left that shithole over 5 years ago now. and because of shoplifting the stores are closing and leaving the city.
hell, even wallyworld had over a dozen guards by the doors back then to try and slow it down a bit. ever see a person or two walk thru the store while eating ?
funny how that is, they not going to pay for it either. kind f why you might find a half empty carton of milk or juice somewhere in the store, it where they put it down after they done with it. if you want to live there, go ahead. just don’t try to make me live there.
Whenever I see or hear anyone parrot the tired lie that Fascism &/or Naziism are far right or conservative ideologies, I know I’m dealing with a rabid, Kool-Aid snorting leftist.
When you go past classic liberalism on the scale (which is at least somewhat tolerable) and get into the real nasty end of the spectrum, Fascism & Naziism are just a little bit past Socialism, Communism and Marxism, but not really a whole lot deadlier.
Oh, and while I’m at it, the KKK? Jim Crow? Segregation? ALL leftist Democrat institutions right up there with being against the Civil Rights Act in 1964. And all typically labelled right wing, conservative ideals by the same brain-dead scum.
Leftism is a combination of a mental disorder, societal decay and a criminal enterprise, only a lot more evil. How anyone could live through the last 30 months and somehow come away thinking that the left and the globalist elite are anything but cold-blooded killers is proof that mass hypnosis is not only possible but the number one problem on this planet.
All true. And no one under 40 knows any of it. Rat-bastard leftists have been raping & lying for 100 years, deflecting blame on everyone but themselves.
Your last paragraph lays it out succinctly.
After all of what has been inflicted on us since Jan 6, 2020, they actually have the gall to try to make us believe that the 2020 and 2022 elections were not a product of Demonrat corruption.
Who, in their right minds, would vote for a party that has inflicted doubling of basic energy costs, ACROSS THE BOARD, and has allowed millions of invaders to come across our southern border with impunity and that’s just two of perhaps ten to a dozen of shit policies that they have inflicted on us.
When I was getting ready to retire here to the Oregon Outback, I had co-workers ask me “Why do you want to live out there?” Well, I always had to bite my tongue to keep from saying “Because you don’t!” I usually just said that I could live anywhere if I could get two things: a good internet connection, and what Borepatch calls the Big Brown Truck of Happiness. Any big box shopping is 90 miles away, for which we keep lists. And the nearest interstate is 170 miles away; suits me just fine.
…and now there’s Starlink!
Decentralized, individual farmers selling their produce at a farmers market as opposed to….government enabled corporate mega-farms. Yep, sure sounds like fascism to me.
I see no comments, might wanna check on that.
Tree Mike
Clear your cache, mebbe restart your computer. Yours was comment #7
Mike, the wordpressitutes are fucking around again with updating the software we use on the blog and the characteristics Phil and I use. I can’t get the comment count on any readers comments working and some long term readers here have gone to spam or trash or they haven’t pissed me off…
On a larger scale, here is a perspective many of us have been talking about for several years now, illegals are just one aspect, moreso the supply chain and not making shit here.
100 heads sound familiar?
It’s inconceivable that this country can’t build a fucking transformer. All they are is a shitload of copper wire wound around a steel core and stuffed in a metal can filled with oil.
Of course that is the simplified version but still….
Phil our generation can. That next one not so mucho.
As only ONE Engineer out of hundreds of thousands in the US, I can find ways to kill the entire electrical grid in an area to the point where it can’t be easily/quickly repaired! People that DEPEND on reliable equipment to live (think: respirators) would die in swarms.
So if I, as a single individual, can cause so much havoc, think of what a few Patriots can do to the Centers of Power in this country?!?
Not a very bright idea to piss off an Engineer, we *can* unscrew the inscrutable! With interest.
Even someone with a good basic electrical knowledge can break something, maybe not as creative as you Igor, but if we were to put noggins together, I bet we could let loose the dogs of mayhem and giggles…
As a not-engineer I can think of about 10 easy ways to shut down the entire electrical grid in an area to where it takes months or years to fix.
It’s not a hard problem. All you have to do is look up at all the lines and see where they come from and see where they go. Simple as that.
Not to mention there are actual field manuals that tell you in normal language how to do it.
Same with petrochemical distribution, air traffic, sea traffic, road traffic, telecommunications, food distribution…
Seriously, anyone with a lick of common sense can figure this out.
I like my farmers market. I know people, they know me. Good folks and I am getting milk straight from Amish country–a lot healthier than the stuff in the store.
Speaking of which..
The Wifely Unit bought a pre packaged pork roast kit with the cut up potatoes and carrots from Wally World on Saturday. She threw it in the crockpot last night and we finished it off this evening. I swear to God the carrots and potatoes tasted like plastic.
Hothouse carrots and potatoes, Phil. Practically no nutrition in ’em.
wife here is pissed that I can’t have a garden because of all the damn deer. she still talks about the food I grew back in the garden I had in philly. that was my learning test bed to speak
did a lot of reading and trying out different ways to compost
and feed the soil. starting beds here this spring, 2 boards high (2×10) and horse manure , old straw/hay and then compost with a few shovels of sand to mix in. and a 6 foot fence around it all. my one neighbor gets his fishing worms from my compost pile. most of them are 8-10 inches long
as I set them aside for him. he lent me his wood splitter for a month to split all the damn firewood.
I do miss my cherry tomato’s , the store bought ones have no taste at all to them.
I had good luck with seven foot fences with barb wire entanglement at the top with criss crossing wire at the top from side to side both ways to keep deer at bay. Another trick I used was red LEDs mounted close like eyeballs that would randomly move side to side and up and down slowly and would move them to another area every few days, deer thought they were a predator,
That’s because the flavor leeched from the bag into the vegetables. Carrots and potatoes are notorious for borrowing flavors from other things.
Why by a roast kit when you can spend less money on the real thing? Get one of those plugs with a timer, let the damned thing cook 12 hours and it will beat to death anything you can buy in the store. Prep it 12 hours before and use some good wine (I like white Kraut wine myself) with some onions and parsley if you like parsley and let it just soak up flavor.
Brown the meat if you want or not.
Am I the only one who lives in an area where the local farmers’ market is run/controlled/filled by leftwing batshit crazy whoreganic farming non-binary pieces of leftardiness?
Seriously, if I try to get within 500′ of the local FMs, I break out in hives from all the pot, patchouli, unwashed and unshaven armpits on the ‘nominally’ females, the smell of open venereal disease, and other bad things. For food that is worse than I can get from the produce section of Walmart.
Farmer’s markets? Right-wing hovels of redneckian conservative MAGAists? Bwahahahahahahaahahahahahaahaaa.
Gee, it’s like thinking that the local granola and magic vegan food store is actually a center of right-wing Trumpiness. Or that the local head shops. Or the Magic Waters colon cleanse studio. Or the three ‘wise-womyn-wicca’ shops. Or the ‘fairy’ crystal shop.
But then again, I live in a leftist cesspool. Dammit.
I’ve yet to see farmers’ market that wasn’t well over-trafficked by patchouli and crocs wearing leftist libtards. An uglier breed there is not. If you can even find a farmers’ market parking lot that doesn’t appear to be a used subarrhoid sales lot you’re doing good. Of course the only ones that go to farmers’ markets with cash are conservatives with bathed children and pickup trucks and manners. And, half the farmers’ markets we’ve seen have folks marketing things like “home decorations made out of used pop cans”, or similar, useless, un-wantable “crafts”. Hobbs, like most leftist mouthpieces, is speaking directly through the backside of his underwear. Competency and intelligence are as scarce among the left as are manners and hygiene.
Really. All the ‘farmers’ markets’ I’ve been to have either food grown by stoners or it’s bought from a regular grocer supplier and put in ‘local’ boxes if the seller has any shame, else it’s the same box you see the produce boy stocking in the big store down the street.
And supposedly the farmers’ market idea was started in order to ‘wean’ people away from said chain stores and big market and to support the little guys.
Don’t sweat it. He will be starving soon.
Haha. Yep.