6 thoughts on “Probably Pine scent… would make me fighting mad.

    • Is that where Queenstown is? Damn you are right, rough. Of course you have that mule looking Prime Minister…’nuf said.

  1. Its all fun and games until one of them does the ” dutch oven “.
    Some guy got convicted of manslaughter for killing his wife with a stinky fart.
    He ate some Indian food. Said he didn’t think it would kill her. Got a 5 year suspended sentence after saying he was sorry to the jester/judge.

  2. Similarly, I have this fetish about people who sneeze without making any kind of attempt to cover it up when they in proximity of other people. It just pisses off.

    I once worked adjacent to guy who did that almost every morning after coming into work. We had an open office where the space between our desks was about eight feet. I politely asked him to cover his sneeze either with his hands or a tissue. I even bought a box of tissues and placed it on his desk. I also bought two of the biggest cans of spray disinfectant I could find. The cans were big, probably 14″ tall and bigger than a soft drink can around. I left that on my desk. I put the other one in my bottom desk drawer.

    When he noticed the spray can on my desk, he asked what it was for. I told him the next time he sneezed without covering it, either with the tissues I provided or his hands, I was going to hose him down with it. He thought I was joking.

    Needless to say he tested me about a half hour later.

    I emptied the can on him. I threw the empty in my waste can, opened the bottom drawer and slammed the spare down on my desk.

    He never sneezed into the open air again and if I recall correctly he actually didn’t sneeze much at all after that.

    Sometimes you just have to retaliate. When doing so make sure you kill the problem dead.

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