9 thoughts on “Old Truck Tuesday

  1. The Aussie outback hauling water has an interesting kid seat. Back before helicopter parents and wimpy kids.

    • Looks like there is a second bunk/hammock below the one the kid is sitting in. Wonder if they drove until they got tired and then crawled in the bunks suspended from the bracing? Open air sleeper unit? Wonder how bad the bugs were? Would get you off the ground and away from the creepy-crawlies.

  2. #12, the brown/tan bus, is a beaut! 40s-50s vintage?

    #4, hauling the logs WAAAAAAAY above the tops of the overload bars will get you an immediate ticket. Canada? I sure hope he never hits any main roads… minimum 50 tons on that load.

    • Yeah, but only because it looked like the one my buddy’s father owned – almost exactly. We raised a lot of hell in that little thing.

      Whitehall, NY

    • I chuckled as well. That paint scheme was so common, and shitty when it started fading/pealing.

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