7 thoughts on “Never give it up…even then.

  1. yeah. I happen to know too much of history to just hand over my guns either.
    that and a few years with uncle Sam taught me otherwise.
    ANYONE trying to disarm you is NEVER your friend.
    what gets me is that so few people see that.
    and when people talk about hiding their weapons sounds more like the time to take them out and use them to me.

  2. Pingback: Lazy Sunday Post - The DaleyGator

  3. Hey! That’s a serious 308, instead of a poodle shooter.

    • yeah. although I do have a few poodle shooters as you call them.
      I do like my Sig Sauer 716 piston rifle. 18 inch barrel is very handy and can still reach out to 800 yards if I do my part right.
      BTW, although it did come with P mags , I like the Dura mags in stainless steel a lot more. also Larue makes some great triggers
      one is in my 716 and I love their scope mounts although they have gotten pricey of late. O have two of them and that seems like it.
      SSD doesn’t go very far these days.

  4. Funny, Grampa had the first half of that statement on a bumper sticker on his mercury 55 years ago

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