Johno’s last known photo.

It seems Johno is in the hospital for a heart procedure; Rotoblasty(?)

Nurse Sandy will be disappointed that she missed out on my groin and leg shaving!  But no doubt the local girls of the International Nursing Cabal managed to record it for You-Tube. This is my fourth heart attack and fifth heart surgery, glad not to have to get a bypass, all via venal delivery.

Please lets join in wishing him a successful procedure and quick recovery. For all of us, especially me that make fun of our Down under Aussie friend, Johno is an intelligent and quick witted fellow. Just a nice quarky guy… I don’t see the beard. It seems here in the US we call atherectomy and the Brits and Aussies call it Rotorblasty… Okay, Deathray, you are up.

29 thoughts on “Johno’s last known photo.

  1. Best wishes Johno and my prayers are with you. Keep us posted on your progress. I just want to know why they wrapped you in a black plastic garbage bag šŸ˜.

    • Black plastic garbage bag?

      It makes it easy to take the trash out.

      Johno, if you were in a commie country just to the south of me, you would be encouraged to do the right thing and self extinguish. I wonder how much longer until that becomes the common practice for both our countries.

      As Iā€™ve expressed to you privately I hope that you have the best possible outcome. Keep us posted on your recovery.

    • Thanks, Muss Sandy. It was successful. That was the op-gown that I tightly closed.
      Lack of sleep is a problem, with the nurses seeking comedy relief, lifting the sheet every tem minutes ā€œto check the bleedingā€ at the groin entry site.
      Mike_C corrected me, not surgery. The first two I had, I was awake, but the two angios at Christmas they put me under. Same for this one, but stitching up the (femoral?) artery after they woke me bloody hurt.
      For rotoblasty they use a diamond drill to cut through the calcification in your heartā€™s arteries.

      • They put you to sleep? I had 10 cardiac catheterization and I watched through a fluoroscope the procedure every time and asked questions. Three of those catherization was 5 stents in the LAD. You pussing out on us? My last cath was through the wrist and they go that route or they ain’t doing it… I hated the compression that was required in the groin, rather get kicked in the nuts, that goes away in a few minutes.

        • One of the 3 positions I played in football was field goal kicker.
          I bet you wouldnā€™t say that after getting kicked by me.
          Youā€™d be a week getting directions back to your zip code.

        • Pussed out? Hell no, fuck no. Johno says he has bilateral severe femoral occlusions. Iā€™m guessing they might have done a cutdown above the femoral blockages to access the vessels. Which would mean it WAS surgery (plus interventional procedure). And itā€™d also mean that I shot my fool mouth off before. Sorry, Johno ā˜¹ļø

          But the ordinary femoral (groin) or radial (wrist) access? Interventional Cardiology , not Surgery, is working on yā€™all.

          Glad to hear it was successful šŸ˜€

          • So where were you when I needed all this? I too figured he needed a cutdown when he mentioned the blockages, but cardiology was not my specialty, heads and behavior until I saw the light. Transferred and flourished and excelled in Med/surg and as an Ortho scrub.

            • Iā€™m definitely a sooky wuss when it comes to getting anything done down there, strewth Iā€™m tender, it hurts, especially when the nurses have a run-up and pull the compression bandage off. I thought that they were taking off parts that need to stay behind.
              I donā€™t want to join the tranny mob.

      • Glad to hear that it was successful Johno! Heal quickly now. Next time let me know in advance and Iā€™ll take care of your shaving needs. I do have experience in that department šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‚. Be well dear.

          • Heh. Iā€™ve seen and handled so much man junk in my nursing career that it is nothing more than professional and clinical. Do what you gotta do to get the job done. Ever had to do wound care on a testicular abscess? Been there, done that. Nothing medical scares me.

            • We both have Sandy, I have debrided and treated testicular and vaginal abscesses. I was referring it is Johno, that you can never unsee…

  2. Get well soon, Johno. And we DO NOT need to see the video. We really, really don’t.

  3. Best wishes, Johno. Clean and quick procedure and event-free (Boring is Good) recovery to you.

    To be all pedantic on you, youā€™re not getting ANY surgery, youā€™re getting an interventional cardiology procedure. (Itā€™s like Rangers vs Marines. The guy getting shot doesnā€™t care, but on our end which service matters.) And itā€™s arterial, not venous (unless thereā€™s some interatrial septal puncture involved).

    To make up for the pedantry, hereā€™s an off color story with a (suggested) whiff of incest. So at the time I was doing (diagnostic) procedures in the cardiac catheterization lab. Part of it is that after the tech does the prep (the groin shaving and stuff) I go in, introduce myself, and palpate the femoral pulses (at the groin) to make sure thereā€™s not a gross blockage so we can get the catheter through the leg up to the heart.

    Now my dad was getting hemorrhoid surgery in my home town, so I flew there. They let me into the pre-op holding area as a sort of professional courtesy. So dad is there on his gurney with the gown, goofy hat and all. I see an old guy on a gurney in a pre-procedure ward and my instincts kick in. I walk up to him and start to reach for his groin. Then I remember this is my DAD and Iā€™m not cathing him. I freeze and look around. A couple of nurses are staring at me (my hand is frozen about 6 inches above Dadā€™s groin). I make eye contact and they turn away rapidly. I turned to talk to dad and I heard the nurses whispering fiercely. Oy. Oy gevalt. ā˜¹ļø

    • I stand corrected, Mike. I much prefer the wrist entry site, but am glad that I didnā€™t have to fly down to Townsville for bypass surgery.
      I hope that similar procedures are possible to open both of my blocked femoral arteries, so that I can walk again. Iā€™d like to be able to hunt and fish again once more before I kark it. Or at least go bush walking to watch the wildlife, itā€™s a bit difficult in a walker or in a chair. Also Iā€™d rather not present an easy bit of tucker for a croc, not being able to get away quickly.

  4. Johno, I pray all goes well. Ā We need you to heal up, cause both CederQ and Deathray will be temped to run amuck if you are not here to call them on their delinquency.

  5. Just got an email from him. He pulled through and is in recovery. The procedure was a success.
    Congrats, Johno.
    Get well soon!

    Whitehall, NY

    • I too got an email from him and he still has the beard… Get well and do everything the nurses, or in your case the sisters tell you to do and no pinching cute bottoms! If you don’t the Nurse Cabal will inform me!

  6. Yer a tough old bird, John-O.
    You’ll be fiiiiiiine, mate!

    Just don’t do something stoopid like I did, working on a riding lawn mower 3 days after my heart surgery release… God watches over Fools and Small Children, and I’m not a small kid any more !!

  7. Glad things worked out well. Now get yer lazy ass out of bed and go boil your billy or snort some Vegemite or get snake or spider bit or whatever it is you people do down there for fun. We’re rooting for you!

  8. Rotoblasty? Yeah, that was Mad Max’s last name.
    (Don’t correct me, I actually know.)

  9. Get prepared, relax, have family nearby, and you’ll do great. The modern Docs and nurses are ready, willing & able to take care of you while recuperating. And it’s a new high to wake up and see kinfolk welcoming you back from unconsciousness.

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