With the price of gasoline these days, I figure my truck will hold $150 worth with a full 30 gallon tank.
There isn’t much I can do about the thieving bastards selling the stuff but maybe spending $15 on a locking gas cap might at least slow down any thieving bastards wanting to siphon my tank.

Not much I can do though if they get brutal and just punch a hole in it.
I would go with a barrel lock on the gas door over a locking gas cap.
I wonder if steel skidplates under the fuel tank will be available soon?
Unfortunately, if people can use battery sawzals to steal catalytic converters, steel diamond plate will not be much of a deterrent.
I went with a Rott , a Shepherd , and a coon dog with supernatural senses . Nothing comes into my ao without being detected quickly . Dogs can smell an intruder a mile away . Tennis shoes can be heard a mile away also . God gave us protective critters . Use them . They’ll love ya for it .
Armor plating around tank and fuel door with hasp?
Ohio Guy
LIKE tthe rotweiler solution, though a .308 would work for me.
I have a front loader, and can dig a hole that can’t be found.
back in my poorer days somebody stole my full tank & i had to walk & bum rides for a week. what fun. back then they had these springs you put into the gas pipe that would keep a siphon hose out.
I got lucky back around 2012. I was employed at Huntington’s in Oroville, CA (think green colored reloading tools). One day a bit before closing, the manager goes out to his truck in the side parking lot. He comes back in, walks up to me and asks, “Any reason you have a hose in your gas tank running to a jug on the ground?”.
Out I went, and sure enough, green garden hose shoved in my Silverado siphoning into a 5 gallon water cooler jug. I looked across the parking lot and there they were in their vehicle. As soon as I locked eyes they peeled out. No way to prove it was actually them.
I took the water jug into the shop and used a 1/16″ drill to make a hole in the letter “O” in some lettering on the bottom. Then I set it back out in the parking lot and left it.
I can just imagine what it is like in that town now.
Several years ago, some asshole siphoned all the fuel out of a 26′ Penske box truck. I had filled it up the night before so that was between 50 and 75 gallons of diesel. I jumped in the truck and saw the gauge read close to empty, started cussing and pulled out into the middle of a six lane boulevard to hit the nearest fuel stop a mile away. I didn’t even make it through the turn before the engine coughed a couple of times and quit on me. Thankfully, I was able to throw it into neutral and coast over to the curb so I wasn’t blocking the whole damn road.
Now they’re just drilling a hole in the gas tank and draining it into a bucket.