From Deathray…

Shortly after this past thanksgiving our friend Cederq went silent and disappeared. After a few days of his silence, Phil, The Irish man and I all pulled together to solve the mystery of his disappearance. I was proud of us for doing that. I felt that we had not only accomplished something, but we had actually done a good thing. Many people started posting well wishes and there were many. It was nice to see so many people reaching out to him and I enjoyed reading what the people had to say. 
Now that I’m the person receiving them, I want everyone to know how much that means to me. Guys I live alone in a very remote area of Alaska. You see me posting here maybe a couple times a day or a week. There are times that I don’t talk to a human being for a week. I like being where I am at, and actually enjoy the life I have. I just want to say to all of you out here, how grateful I am for all of you and your kindness. Being so far away from family and friends with so little actual human contact, just having so many people offer caring words and encouragement means more than I am able to say to all of you. This is probably one of the best things that can be said about the internet. 
Thanks again to all of you and I am very very grateful.  

13 thoughts on “From Deathray…

  1. Deathray, but you are not alone there at all, you’ve a dog and at least one Sasquatch for company. The fact that they talk about you behind your back notwithstanding. So how did you get help, did your doggie get on a radio, like Lassie, and bark out for help? Phil’s team will sort things out, they’ll contact your librarian chick so she can fluff your pillow, and read to you from The Thoughts of Joe Biden, a very slim volume.

  2. Deathray, an important subject: who is looking after your doggie? Did you at least leave her your credit card and number for hot pizza delivery?

    • I have a friend that lives a few miles away. We do a lot to help each other out when the need arises.
      I had hired a younger guy to be on the roof and he would cut the snow into big blocks. I had a person that lived down the road that was lifting me up in the tractor bucket so I could use the roof rake and pull the snow blocks off.
      Apparently the hydraulic lever was inadvertently hit somehow. One minute I’m in the bucket pulling snow and then there’s nothing between me and the ground.

  3. If you are reading this Deathray, you are a good man. I hate like hell to see you having to go through this.
    Damn straight we are pulling for you.
    If we can help in some way, let us know.
    Keep us updated on your progress too.

  4. Deathray, your community here is praying for you and wishing you the very best in your difficult days ahead. So sorry you endured such a horrific accident and the pain must be beyond compare. My heart goes out to you. So fortuitous you are to have such caring, compassionate and attentive friends such as Phil, Cederq and others to look after your welfare. True friends they are.

    Sexy knee photo! Can we get some thigh photos next? 😉

  5. You’re not far from me, Deathray. I’ve got friends in the business and can get stuff to you out in the village if ya need anything. Getting things to the bush is just knowing which Caravan, Navajo, DC-6 or C-46 is going. That part’s easy!

  6. Deathray get your neighbors number to those here who have yours just in case. Most people are to busy to notice when someone has gone silent. Glad God was not done with you or Cederq. I wish you well.

    • I was knocking on the gates Bear Claw… I don’t think wanted me in, he would have had to make me an admin weinie… like Phil.

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