Haven’t done a stump post in awhile. What is it?

Sent in by reader Karl. Well folks, Judy guessed it correctly the first comment, sorry. Gonna have to find something much harder to guess.

16 thoughts on “Haven’t done a stump post in awhile. What is it?

  1. We’ll, you beat me to it. Any fan of Dave’e will recognize that as part of the brakes on a horse drawn wagon.

  2. MY first thought was it being part of a squeeze chute. For like tightening the part that Squeezes, or retains the head and neck. Oh well.

  3. “Horse drawing wagon”? Shit, I never saw a wagon pull a horse. Must be a steep-ass hill.

    • I flunked spelling, even the kids in Sp. Ed. had higher scores. Because of that, I’m usually more diligent at proof reading.

  4. Thank you for the link to the video, he is truly a craftsman and an artist.This site rocks!

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