10 thoughts on “FINALLY!

  1. say what you will about stupid shit like this. but remember this fact, the stupid or dumb do not last very long in any sort of conflict . also remember that nature is a hard bitch. simple things like not making the water safe to drink kills thousands every year around the world. removed the warning labels and that fact alone will
    remove a lot of people.

  2. It would be a lot funnier if he’d used the tip of his knob to trip the trigger. And it would be several degrees funnier even, were it a rat trap.
    Please, somebody connected with social media, initiate a dare for idiots to record themselves using their penis to trip a rat-trap, oh please, oh please!
    I can imagine the scenes at ERs now, as more ambulances arrive. You’d want to buy shares in popcorn first!

  3. WTF did he put in his mouth? Mousetrap?

    I guess there are idiots that would do that seeing they made the video.

    Tik tok challenge no doubt. Good to know that China is training our future leaders this way.

  4. The loser needs to get its arm tattoo removed and turn in its man card, if it ever had one, there is no rational explanation for that level of stupidity.

    • But Grog, there must have been •some• real Biden voters, surely? They, and the Tide-pod millennials account for “that level of stupidity”.

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