6 thoughts on “Deathray, do you understand now? Johno is boring…

  1. You want boring, doo yooooooooooou??

    I gots experience!

    What’ll it be, transistor theory? Orbital mechanics? Antenna waveform propagation? Stoichiometric ratios for an IC engine? Routing archectecture? Solid-state radio engineering? Null-therblig operational parameters? Finite element analysis?

    I can keep you sleeping for HOURS! Days, even! But that’s just me…

  2. You may be right.
    I wouldn’t know, because I quit trying to understand what Johno is jabbering on about a long time ago. I’m pretty sure that he’s in morning over the passing of nurse Ratchet. Maybe you can hook him up with that Cali loud mouth know it all nurse. They would be good for one another.

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