Category Archives: Coming soon…
A good start…

Gallows, what every upscale town center needs built.

Damn, hoping it goes hot! A game changer. Sent in by a frequent gearhead.
Supreme Court Case #22-380 Brunson VS. Adams Defendants Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris & 94 Senators
Credit: Rumble

This is a reading of Supreme court case 22-380 Brunson VS. Adams.
It alleges that the 2020 election was rigged and it lists the defendants, 94 U.S. State Senators and 129 members of the House of representatives, Joseph R.
Biden and Kamala Harris as well as former Vice President Mike Pence, in a conspiracy to defraud the United States and Mr. Brunson, by rigging or allowing to be rigged the 2020 election process.
It calls for amongst other things the removal of 94 Senators, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as well as over 100 members of the House of Representatives for being part of the conspiracy to rig the 2020 elections and overthrow the duly elected leader of the United States.
Can you squeal and say three Hail Marys at the same time?

Okay, which one?

We give a Thanksgiving Wish to all that stop here to read and comment on this irrelevant blog. May you find peace and contentment!

Yup, true to the core.

And to all the alphabet wanna be tyrant agencies…

Government, it’s whats not for breakfast… time now to make them obey it.