We give a Thanksgiving Wish to all that stop here to read and comment on this irrelevant blog. May you find peace and contentment!

Phil, Bustednuckles Kevin, Cederq

9 thoughts on “We give a Thanksgiving Wish to all that stop here to read and comment on this irrelevant blog. May you find peace and contentment!

  1. …or be single and mooch off of all the Demonrat relatives while wearing a logo t-shirt with this on it:

    I’d rather have a couple of mean tweets and $1.89 gas

    • Happy Thanksgiving All!

      Muhself, truly much to be grateful for. Been living in my five year old cargo van (bought three months ago for me, by my brother. Instead of sleeping in my P71 Cruiser).

      New apartment will be available in less than two weeks!

      And the L*rd shall provide.

  2. I would do things like use bacon and Canadian bacon to outline a bikini on the smoked turkey or put a Cornish hen in the cavity and “deliver” the baby bird. The one that got me off hosting for 10 years was disjointing the thighs from the body and tied them together is a cheesecake pose with a wedge of blood orange stuffed in the entrance of the cavity with various cold cuts put on and taken off during the smoking process that gave the illusion of a female breast and a plume of spaghetti squash stuffed in the neck the last half hour of cooking. I have hosted once this century.

  3. What’s funny is I have an aunt Jeannette and she would say something like that. She comes from the ‘fun’ side of the family.

    Verily, God does provide. His blessings are exceeding.

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