“They should be, he thought. The unknown was not nearly as terrifying as the known. And he understood quite clearly that these people were well aware was about to happen to them. And they also knew that no one else cared.
They were not rich.
They were not powerful.
They were truly the forgotten.
And their numbers were growing exponentially as the world was settling swiftly into a permanent state of the rich and thus powerful and then everyone else. And what the rich and powerful wanted, they usually got it.”
“What most people didn’t understand was that it was the risk-takers who made America great. It was said the rich had captured nearly all the wealth and all of the income generated over the last decade or so. Well Lampert thought, they should. it was right and just. The only thing wrong with income inequality was that it wasn’t equal enough
The 99.9 percenters were sheep and stuck right where they should be. They were the players to be named later. There were billions and billions of them and they looked exactly the same. The 0.1 percenters deserved everything because they were the elites. They were special. They moved the world to new heights.”
David Baldacci, author, The Forgotten