7 thoughts on “PSA – For your consideration and conversion if so desired…

    • don’t be too sure about that. a few years ago, they built a housing project in WV to house a bunch of them. one reason why I didn’t move to that state. well, that and the water problems.
      back in west Berlin, we called them “turks” and almost always got into fights with them. they used to use knives most of the time.
      I still carry the scars from that time today.
      and we will have to fight them here soon enough.
      so, you might as well get your head right on that right now.
      if you want to live as you are, you going to have to fight them and win. and there are no rules in that other than do not lose.
      there is no half way with them. back then, the Germans didn’t mind when we busted a few of them up. now I not so sure about that. most of Europe is fucked. it doesn’t look anything like it did back when I was there in the late 1970’s.

    • wanna bet! too many do-gooder liberals wih Soros-appointed prosecutors backing them up.

  1. Ahh yes, the political cult of intolerance that demands tolerance wherever it infests itself. I refer to the scum as “Isn’tlam” because it isn’t compatible with the rest of the civilized world.

  2. There are only 4 ways to live under Islam for non-islamics:

    1. Convert. But if you convert back, it is a death sentence. Literally, the Koran calls for people who convert to a different religion to be killed.

    2. Pay a tax to be a non-muslim. Which still allows muslims to steal, beat, rape, kill and other nasty things to you. It just keeps you from ‘officially’ being killed, stolen from, beaten, raped…

    3. Be enslaved to a muslim. Which if one is male is usually (still) followed by deballing. Or outright death, along with any non-child-bearing-age adult females. Young boys? Ever hear of the Janissaries? Christian boy slaves trained up to fight for Islam. Young women? Rape-slaves. Young girls? They’ll become breeders after being raped repeatedly into submission. (It’s in the Koran, really.) And as soon as a slave becomes unusefull, Death.


    4. Die. Seriously, like die, dead die.

    There are no other options in Islam.

    And there are only two lands in Islam:

    1. The Dar-al-Islam, The Land of Islam – which is any land that has been claimed by muslims, including land that muslims lost, like Spain. Muslims still consider Spain to be theirs. Along with a good portion of central Europe up to Vienna.


    2. The Dar-al-Harb, The Land of War – which means any land that isn’t, yep, the Dar-al-Islam.

    So it’s either islamic land or it’s land that should belong to Islam so Islam is at war with it.

    Got it? Death or War, the only two constants in the Koran for resistance to Islamic intrusion. And nothing has changed. Ever. There’s no such thing as a ‘moderate’ muslim, as the ‘moderates’ support the extremes. When was the last time you have seen muslims protesting muslim extremism and violence?

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