15 thoughts on “All of our dilemma. As an old retired nurse, am a better “doctor” than what is being produced today

  1. I remember 20 years ago walking in for a yearly check up and the Doc’s reception area was filled with ads for pharmaceuticals and free samples. This has been going on a long time.

  2. Read “Lies My Doctor Told Me.” It’s by a doctor. He covers how little they learned about keeping healthy and what the research actually shows.

    Between that and the vaxx I’ll be hard put to trust a doctor again.

    • Had never heard of it, Thanks!

      And it’s available online for free.

      Search “lies my doctor told me free pdf”

  3. My Dad called Dr’s “pill rollers”.

    After the covid fiasco with the lockdowns, the jab and the lies they’ve told about it and the lies they told about Ivermectin, trusting any Dr. ever again is going to be a long stretch for a lot of people. I was already there well before covid based on my adult experiences with that “profession”.

  4. Once “they” maneuvered things, it became a business and not “for the good of man”.

  5. I’m blessed to have a Mexican doc that says the best medicine is the type of foods that make up your daily diet. A rare and honest man.

  6. Newsflash. The nurses they are turning out these days are no smarter and no more competent than the doctors. Been in healthcare almost 50 years. In that time
    the IQ of the average “professional” has dropped precipitously. The truly smart people who went into medicine half century ago now won’t. They won’t tolerate the micromanaging and paperwork BS the government forces on us. They go into other fields like finance where they can get richer easier. Hell….I know doctors that quit practicing medicine to open a plumbing business where they say they make more money with fewer headaches.

    • I started nursing in 1980 and I shake my head as to what nurses don’t know how to properly apply bandaging along limbs and have been taught to not use too much tape and gauze. That shit is cheap! They relied too much on damn electrical gadgets and didn’t know how to take a proper blood pressure and listen to any murmurs, tachycardia or even bradycardia…

      • It was an Old School doctor that noticed my aortic valve murmur, and saved my life!
        Thank you, Phillip Woolf! May God smile on you in your retirement – he has already served as a Medical Missionary for his Church. What a guy!

  7. My granddaughter’s allergy doctor constantly had an excuse for why they couldn’t test for what she was allergic to. He prescribed an injection that he “knew” would work. Costs $2K per injection. Required every other week. For life. He said “don’t worry about the cost, most insurances will pick up the tab.”

    And of course if you call them on their BS, you’re a science denier.

  8. Nobody “fixes” anything any more.

    Tell the doctor what hurts and he prescribes a drug.

    Tell the mechanic whats wrong and he replaces a part.

    Remember when your starter didn’t work so you pulled it apart, cleaned it all up with gas and a stiff brush in the driveway, buffed the commutator, installed new brushes, put it back together and it worked fine for a cost of a couple bucks for the brushes?

    Now, your old starter is a core charge against a new starter that costs $600 plus installation.

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