17 thoughts on “You do build up callouses milking goats!

  1. C’mon Cederq, is Soja going to write up her technique for Bustednuckles readers, maybe pose for a saucy photo? Somewhere in the depths of your collection of illustrations scraped from the lower bowel of the internet, you could have found a matching spurious photo. You probably already have a file marked ‘Lithuanian grannies’, some of whom may be old girlfriends of yours.

    • Johno, I could write up her technique for milking goats, used to have to do it on my herd I had. Much different milking a goat than milking a cow, or in your case a ‘roo or a water buffalo.

  2. “The robber’s screams alerted the neighbors…”

    They were probably loud enough to have alerted the neighbors two countries over in Estonia.

  3. Pingback: Friday Snarky, Sarcastic Smart Assed links on Thursday? - The DaleyGator

  4. Klaipeda has been a pawn between Germany (called it Memel) and Russia over the last 100+ years – shelled to hell in 1945, which was still evident 50 years later when I was there. Tough sea port, Prussian / Teutonic Knight influence. The people couldn’t have been nicer, just don’t F with them. Phil, you’d like them, I will send pix. They’d be Raider fans.

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