9 thoughts on “You Damn Well Know Some Already Have

  1. My kids and grandkids got introduced to it early. I ain’t paying extra for hamburger buns.

  2. I sure remember that. Boil the weenies, slit ’em in half lengthwise, and cut a slice of white bread in half to make your sandwich. We put ketchup on them.

    I think we always used hamburger buns though.

    Yeah, cheap meals. Used to have hotdish a lot too, and it was much more plain than the recipes I see online now.

    • When mom pulled out the “hotdish pan”; I knew we would be eating that for 3-4 days.
      Don’t get me wrong; the first couple of dinners were ok; but after the 3rd or 4th meal…..Oy Vay. I opted for the PB and J.

  3. Kids better be learning how to use and culture yeast, you mean…

    And at least up here, learning to use bullrushes (cat-tails) to make their flour and cooking in a wood stove.

    At least everybody has a more optimistic view of the future than I do, complete with sliced bread from a bag.

  4. It’s always been this way at this house, except when we get company. Then the paper plates and buns get used. Later on, the kids get to scrape and erase the paper plates so we can use them again.

  5. Guess what I am having for dinner. Just that I am looking forward to it. I am doing OK. Imagine others. I also spend $ for a less fortunate woman that was a former roommate. That’s what we do as Catholics.

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