5 thoughts on “Ya know, I know how to arrange those Igor and longer ones too…

  1. 1) Just, no.
    2) Your roommates will be actually crazy, drugged out, or both.
    3) The food sucks.
    4) The accommodations suck.
    5) Putting yourself into the hands of the psychiatric justice system is roughly akin to wrapping your head with bacon, kicking a grizzly bear in the nuts, and then sticking your head in its mouth and daring it to bite down.
    I’ve dealt with this for a quarter century. Fully 1/3rd of the people in the system should never have been put there, but TPTB had no choice. The other 2/3rds (and untold numbers I never see) not only belong in the system, they should be locked away for life on Shutter Island, with no possibility of release ever, and without any remorse.
    6) You’d be better off punching a cop, and taking your chances becoming Bubba’s gf, than you would screwing around with the mental health system. Stay far, far away from it.
    7) As an added attraction, if they misfile your paperwork, you could end up on the No Guns List For Life. Like you shouldn’t have already bailed out of this idea by #2, above.
    8) Not funny, even as a joke.
    9) Still thinking about it? You definitely belong in the system. Suture self.

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