11 thoughts on “Word To Your Mother

    • Dave, it is some kind of rating system from WordPress that Phil or me never checked, it was in one of their updates and we can’t get rid of them.

    • In it’s infinite wisdom and never ending quest for perfection, WordPress has what they are calling a “Rating System” that analyzes the hits on a blog from the blogroll.
      I tried and tried to delete that but it won’t go away.

      • I wonder why they’re all zero’s. Couldn’t be because they’re all conservative sites could it?

        • Oh how edgy and unique. And talking about zeros, did you think this up all by yourself or did your mamma help. Go back to your basement and continue your vegetative existence.

          • SmokeyJazz, Nemo has been a very long contributor and friend to this blog. I suggest an apology is warranted. A lot of people have asked about the zeros on our blog list. It is a new phenomenon that wordpress shoved down our throats and we can’t delete it. To activate it takes getting out your wallet and pay the man. Phil or me don’t see the value or use of it, we don’t don’t give a fuck when and how many times you use it. We don’t mind you flipping some shit to others, but ya kinda went over the line and Phil and me determines that. Just a friendly word.

  1. 1 pound grasshoppers:
    4.75g protein
    16.25g fat
    1,250 calories

    1pound beef, broiled, untrimmed
    132g protein
    61g fat
    1,067 calories

    The cost of grasshoppers is around $7/oz. so $112/lb. FUCK THAT!

    Beef also has the added bonus that I can eat it with a big grin as opposed to a gun to my head.

  2. I call Bull Puckey.

    You first, Mr. Keating…

    And, what’s your credentials, anyway?

  3. Grasshoppers (locusts) are both kosher and halal.

    Good news for the culturally-sensitive WEF overlord.

    PS “LeadToday” sounds like a good idea. Intracranial injection at 3250 fps cures a lot of bad ideas.

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