7 thoughts on “Whether The Commies Complete Their Takeover Or Not

  1. Putin can’t retake Ukraine quickly enough. Trump needs him to help restore America in 2025. He knows how to handle deviants like the atheists, gays, liberals and non-whites.

    • Do you even know who the commies are today? Is Putin a commie? He was 30 years ago when that video was made

    • Trump, oh yeah that guy that commended mike johnson and the 60 billion for ukraine and israel

  2. and now you understand why they stop teaching history in this country ? anyone else remember what happen to the “brown shirts ” ? yeah. after old dip shit got what he wanted
    did the night of the long knives happen.
    that is the only one I can think of offhand. but really after every left takeover, the clowns who did most of the work are killed by the ones in power. this is step 2 after they collect all of the weapons from the clowns after they take power.
    so, the lesson here is ANYONE trying to disarm you is not your friend. same deal with anyone trying to ban farming or food gardens. oh, instead of hiding your weapons, you might be better off getting them ready for use. and get as much ammo as you can. ammo is always the weak link.

  3. …or ship then off to the country they’re protesting about and see how they like living in a third world shithole, like Gaza or Ukraine or any of the African shitholes that people living there are coming here to escape from.

    No, I’m not condoning this mass invasion condoned and enabled by the Bribem regime. What they’re doing is insane. Here are some numbers:


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