Seeing shit like this .

Makes my internal dialog go something like this,
“Are you fucking kidding me?!
This is a full grown adult assed male and this motherfucker can’t grasp the concept of direction.
I had a conversation with Irish about this kind of shit a short while back and the next day it dawned on me that because I am reasonably intelligent, I automatically expect most people I see are too.
This gets disproven multiple times on a daily basis anymore.
Not only are people unintelligent anymore, they are downright fucking stupid.
It’s gotten to the point where I am questioning how they even function in society.
Then I realize that society is already completely fucked up and now I know why.
People are illiterate, ignorant and it is very rapidly approaching the point that there is literally a good chance that civilization will collapse because of it.
They absolutely do not have the most basic knowledge that even children had fifty years ago.
Like where food comes from, how to read, count, or problem solve.
And it’s all been done on purpose.

“And it’s all been done on purpose.”
Absolutely true. Sad but true.
Go ahead come near my place make my day
Was it Neil Postman who said, “People will come to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”
Every time I travel with other people they have those damned things turned on. I always insist that they turn them off if I am driving. I don’t want instructions. I figured out the route before I left. Yes, I know that Goojle Maps can factor-in traffic and do route optimization. Don’t care. As for Mr. Dixon’s objection above, if you don’t know the points of the compass, you’ve got no business piloting anything, including an automobile I run across people that get misled by their GPS occasionally into coming down the road to my place, and believe me, I live at the end of the road to nowhere else. You are a special kind of lost when you show up here by accident.
Postman’s “Amusing Ourselves to Death” is a great book. If he were alive today I wonder what he would think about a reality TV star becoming president?
Brandon was a reality TV star? I never knew…
You’re fired!
“Google says you can get over the mountain on this road.”
“You can’t even get TO the mountain this way, and you sure won’t get over it in that little POS, anyway.
Stupid people are easier to control, And they believe anything you tell them.
We as a society plugged up the filter in the gene pool deliberately. Now countless abject morons who would have eliminated themselves from society at an early age live long enough to breed and pass along their genetic deficiencies. And it’s only going to get worse. The opening 5 minutes of the movie Idiocracy was intended to be entertainment. Turns out it was prophecy.
Hit it square on the head, Phil! The sheeple for The Big Cities are the worst, AND they think they know it all.
We do not have a corner on stupidity in this day and age. It’s just more in your face. Mr. Dixon and et al. could not expose their stupidity or ignorance to such a wide audience without the internet and hand-held computers (modern day cell phones). I’m an old fart, and I’ve watched and been forced to deal with a lot of stupid or ignorant people in the general public over the years. It’s one of the reasons I’m such a recluse.
This is probably the most accurate reason. Yes the instant access to all the world’s knowledge at your fingertips drives many not to think, but it has opportunities for those who can think for themselves….so much to learn….
Those who trumpet their own ignorance were always with us, they just have a bigger audience now.
The clogged gene pool filter comment is good too.
I’d like to see more crimes punishable by death as not only have we a rise in stupidity, but also in lawlessness and the overlap of the dim and the crim is significant.
To your point as to the Death Penalty… On the roadways, Darwinism has been cancelled. The reason why we have SO many MORONS behind the wheel is that we now have these incredibly safe vehicles with innumerable life-saving features. The STUPID drivers are no longer removing themselves from the gene pool.
yeah. it is downright scary how stupid a lot of people are.
kind of weird as I always figured I was a bit on the slow side of things.
god, was I wrong ! now I find some people who think they are smarter than everyone else, yet dumber than a stump ? can’t find or know where countries are
in the world. or even anything about history?
I guess they don’t teach that stuff anymore ?
Had a dose of this stupidity during a discourse with a family member. Baby Boomer writ large. She opined that Mittons Romney was a great person and “they” were going to miss him.
40 or so years ago I was also exposed to how ignorant the some of the young among us are. One of the people in the stockroom needed to add counts from two locations together to get a total for a part number to write on an inventory card. The locations were adjacent to each other in two bays. Two three digit numbers. He needed to hunt down a calculator to do the total while I did the addition in my head in about two seconds.
He was a young guy, early twenties. I asked him if he had graduated from grammar school. He asserted that he had graduated from high school. I was dumbfounded. Turned out that most young people I met during those years, especially the men, couldn’t count to 21 without taking their clothes off. Simple math? Fuggedda about it.
They can’t know what “West” is, because Western civilization is colonialist and racist. Notice how “oriental” has disappeared from the typical vocabulary as well? That’s no occident!
I’m reminded of a news item from years ago – true or not? – that the Navy had stopped using the terms “port” and “starboard” because new recruits couldn’t fathom those terms.
Damn, nice word play there Mr.Mayo! Just wanted to let you know someone noticed it.
Ditto and mark twain = 2 foot depth
Thankee, Phil and Bear Claw. Ya know, it never occurred to me to think that Clemens’ pen name had any particular meaning. Digging a bit – comes from his time on steamboats.
This is an absolute truth… when my Mrs. finally arrived here in SW FL in 2012 the woman behind the Car Rental counter, when asked which way to turn on Daniels Parkway (SW FL International Airport) in order to head WEST, said in ALL SERIOUSNESS: “This is FLORIDA! We don’t HAVE North, South, East or West here!”
Yes, that’s right…. this was at the SOUTHWEST Florida International Airport.
I am continually impressed at the tendency of those like our direction-challenged hero to seem to revel in their ignorance, as if being without answers is a state to be envied.
I also like the indignant arrogance factor. Nice touch, that.
These people are passive morons that seem incapable of doing for themselves, and when the lights go out they will be things to be controlled for.
Another reason for area studies.
We have extended family from the cities that come up here to visit and they can’t even get around our farm without their I-phones on GPS. Unbelievable !!! —ken
Basic differences in how men and women give directions to a location is due to genetic difference. Men pass that information by direction “East, West”and distance, women by landmark and “right, left”
A friend of mine’s children actually argued with him about what language is spoken in Denmark. The college-attending daughter was convinced it was Russian. In a different situation, his son wanted him to drive from Kalamazoo, MI to back to Indiana to bring him his gym shorts that he forgot–it’s over 100 miles. Kid had no idea of the time or distance. And none of his kids have any idea of where things are in the US–we talked about it and think that it’s because they never had to use a paper map.
When my youngest was heading off to school in another state about 700 miles from home early 00’s, he told me he wanted a GPS. I bought a Rand McNally road atlas, wrote “old school GPS” on a Post It note, put in on the cover, wrapped it in gift paper and handed it to him a couple weeks before he left.
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The stupid has been nurtured for decades by the public education system and lazy parents.
In the early 80’s, A&W launched their 1/3 pound burger to compete with the McDonalds 1/4 pounder. Despite aggressive marketing, the 1/3 pounder failed because most people thought 1/3 was smaller than 1/4.
I miss A&W. They used to be everywhere.
Had to look them up, apparently still over 900 locations in the U.S. & SE Asia, at least according to Wiki which we know isn’t necessarily accurate.
Nothing better than their root beer in those ice cold frosty mugs.
On the other hand, while I still use a road atlas, I also run the Wayz app because it gives about a half-mile warning of police ahead.
Kids I work with make fun of my road atlas but it’s saved my bacon lots of times in bad weather and roads closed due to accidents situations.
I work with civil engineer graduates who can’t figure out NSEW. Dude: Sun, morning. East. Huh?
The movie Idiocracy was not fiction, it was a foretelling…..
Technology can be wonderful for teaching, of course. I use internet extensively to learn about a wide variety of things – how does this particular model of vehicle have to come apart to change this part, what is the chord structure to this tune, how do you plane violin ribs made of highly flamed maple without too much chip-out. But then, thinking of AI mostly, we are teaching it about us every time we interact with it. And just who might store and use all of the information about us that can be gained via internet traffic?
Back before the Scouts underwent total moral collapse we would take them out in the wilderness with a topographical map and a compass. I don’t know what they do now. I guess they have drag queen story hour around an LED campfire or some stupid shit like that. There are those who still do Orienteering as an organized sport.