Well That Really Sucked

The Wifely Unit came down with some sinus crap last Friday and suffered all weekend. I started feeling like crap Monday but it was more of a headache thing for me.

I got home after work Monday with a screaming headache and went straight to bed.

This is Wednesday evening and I am just now getting out of bed.

This has been, by far, the longest and worst headache I have ever had in my life.

I just finished half a bowl of canned stew because I haven’t eaten anything since Monday morning.

I haven’t had a cigarette either.

I finally started big doses of Ibiprofen this morning and after the third dose it finally started easing up. Yeah I know that ain’t good for ya but it does work.

I do have some stuffiness but nothing that should cause such a massive headache.

I very rarely get them and they never last more than a couple hours when I do.

Hell of a way to spend a Birthday.

At least the Wifely Unit got me a box of ammo.

Good woman there.

32 thoughts on “Well That Really Sucked

  1. Happy birthday Phil! And you are in my prayers good man.

    “Yeah I know that ain’t good for ya but it does work.” Truer words have never been spoken.

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Vitamin C, D, zinc with quercitin. (Apples contain quercitin- hence the old adage).

    • Daily Daily

      I don’t trust apples or anything else with a peel these days. Can’t afford them up here anyway.

  3. Happy Birthday. My wife has had serious congestion on one side of her sinuses for a month, we live in Santa Rosa. My mother came down from Redding 2 weeks ago and she had just gotten over the same sinus issue before arriving. Hope you and your wife recover quickly.

  4. I’m sorry you feeling shitty. Get better quick before Mr. Cederq changes the kitchen curtains!

  5. Maybe her getting you the ammo is what cleared everything up. I recommend testing this theory with regular purchases of ammo. Strictly for science, of course.

  6. sorry to hear that you’re under the weather, buddy.

    Happy Birthday, Phil, and thank you for bringing mirth to my life these past many years.

  7. Happy birthday, youngin’.  I’m praying you get to feelin’ better so you can shoot up that box of ammo, so the Mrs. has to get you another box.

  8. Sorry to hear of the discomfort. I’ve been a migraine sufferer since September 9th 1978 (SERIOUS MVA). That said, the HEADACHE I had when I was afflicted with the SHINGLES would chew up a migraine, spit it out on the street and LAUGH at it in utter derision.

    So, I get it… THAT kind of headache… where you simply can’t take a deep breath? SUCKS. And yeah…. that kind of headache hell… you really can’t EVEN just SHOOT something for relief either.

    Hope you’re fully on the mend.

  9. It sucks, Phil, when you can’t blame the sickness on a self-inflicted wound like alcohol poisoning, as you once could. Those nasty microbes can sneak in even when you’re living a decent life.
    Apart from his renal problem, your buddy Cederq only seems to have the odd stubbed toe to worry him, he probably stumbled over his hellhound and got bit for his effort. Never mind his wearing work boots, the only safety products he needs are rubber ones.
    Do you reckon that you’ll score a birthday cake out of the wife, Phil?

  10. Phil, this ‘box of ammo’, do you mean a retail size packet of ammo, or a whole crate full? We wanna know the score, c’mon man!

  11. Get well and Happy Birthday my friend. My wife never bought me ammo which explains a lot

    • I generally don’t buy the husband ammo, he knows better than I what he needs and buys accordingly. But I did buy him two shotguns. A Browning Citori over & under, and a Benelli super black Eagle with a separate slug barrel. I know the way to a man’s heart 😉.

  12. Hobby Birfday. My sinuses will only allow that much before I cough.
    Damn, did that “chaff” “they” dispersed over Dallas last week; float all across ‘muica?

  13. Dammit Phil! Missed the big day, but Happy Birfday a day late Bro. Gotta love a wifey that gets ya some ammo, no matter the amount. More IS better-er, though!🥃 Wish yer ornery ass (I’m an ornery OLDE bastage, meself😉) MANY more!! Glad yer both on the mend

    Y’all take care up yonder way,
    Mike in FLA.

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