We might have to learn this fast…if we lose electricity because of the idiot in the not so white house. Is shit brown an acceptable color?

8 thoughts on “We might have to learn this fast…if we lose electricity because of the idiot in the not so white house. Is shit brown an acceptable color?

  1. If you live in West Texas, it is. Windmill water can be gypie and nasty. Make you shit like you were a cabin boy in the navy.

  2. Learn? We used to use one of those at my maternal grandmother’s place when I was a kid (Morris county, Texas).

  3. It’s not too late, you can still buy manual wash wringers on amazon and on other sites. Trick is you need water.

  4. Used one at the gas station I worked at in highschool to wring out the window washing shamy.

  5. Corrigated metal wash board and a pair of pails is the real olde school way of washing the laundry. One pail for soapy water, the other for rinsing. When my maternal grandparents and their family picked crops during the Great Depression, Grandma was the sole adult taking care of domestic duties while the rest of family worked in the field. She and Grandpa had 10 kids – imagine the laundry having to be scrubbed for that family all by hand. Mom said the girls all had two dresses for after work and two pairs of work pants for working in the fields.

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