Watch The 2000 Mules Documentary For Free On Bitchute And Spread The Word

This is all the proof anyone needs to show without question that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen outright.

For those who cry Misinformation I say watch it and prove it wrong.

2000 Mules.

This is going to destroy the Democratic Party.

9 thoughts on “Watch The 2000 Mules Documentary For Free On Bitchute And Spread The Word

  1. I’m sure the Donks will do their best to obfuscate, deny, and smear D’nesh and all those that painstakingly put this together…

    • They already have.
      The thing is, this only digs into the ballot harvesting and stuffing.
      It doesn’t cover the Dominion voting machines and all the fuckery that went with them nor does it address all the foreign government interference.
      The Military and the NSA caught Iran, Spain, Germany and several other countries .
      Hell, some votes were tallied in foreign countries!
      But, this 2000 Mules thing lays out their ballot stuffing pretty good.
      The more people that watch this, the more people will be aware of what’s been going on for years and years and the more people realize these states like Washington who have Mail In voting only have been stealing elections, the more impetus will build to get rid of that shit and go back to in person voting.

      • I don’t think anything will come from this.
        Not to argue the fact that this was very compelling. I just don’t think the will is there yet for people to stand up and say enough. Saying this disgusts me. But I don’t have much faith in most of my countrymen anymore. I’ve mentioned here a few times of my involvement in politics and how corrupt I found it to be. I didn’t turn a rock over one day and see something nobody else could see. Everyone in it knows it. I’m talking about local elections. School board, borough council, mayor, traffic court judges for pete’s sake. Once they get in a office, good luck getting them out. All I really got from watching this is a view of how truly bad it really is.

      • …and voter ID required laws in every state.

        I haven’t watched the whole thing yet. The parts I did watch, devastating.

        This needs to be spread far and wide by people like us. The MSM doesn’t even acknowledge that the documentary exists.

  2. Not to be a downer friends but like the legally FORCED release of the Damning Pfizer “Vaccine” data, the Freedom Truckers blockade of DC and now the major propaganda campaign to label the acts of Leftist Abortionists and their harassment of Supreme Court Judges as Extremist RIGHT WINGERS.

    This information will disappear into the Ministry of Disinformation and Propaganda. It’s proofs and truths hidden under mass media “Factcheckers” and such. All rewritten or disappeared in the flaming memory hole as needed by Orville’s 1984 PARTY.

    The only folks who know about it from Bitchute are the already converted. Or as my dad used to say, “Your preaching to the converted”.

    Unless you figure out an effective bite sized Meme pamphlet or poster to stick EVERYWHERE like that “I did that” Biden sticker all those facts will NEVER be heard by Joe 6 pack. Joe’s a nice decent fellow but must be fed facts he can digest easily, almost like the bite sized Propaganda He lives with daily on his smart phone, and mass media. Forget about converting “true believers” of the Socialist-Democrat-RINO folks. They are the lost ones.

    You cannot vote yourself out of Clown World.

  3. well, nothing is going to change unless bad things start to happen to the clowns that do this kind of shit. fact. no one has a change of heart or any of that other
    bullshit story. people change because of someone else forcing them too.
    I figured they see the writing on the wall so to speak and are trying to get as much loot for themselves as they can before it all goes to hell.
    why else would nasty nancy go to uke land ?
    funny thing, if you look at all the dc clowns who have gone there, you get a good idea of who is doing the shit deals for themselves.
    and with the present DOJ clowns, they will all get away with it too.
    the only up side I see these days is people pissed at the pump.
    that and people bitching about the price of heating oil and propane.
    I filled my 2 tanks back when heating oil was like 2.50 something, guy told me last week he paid over 5 bucks per gallon. I like my 2 wood stoves very much.
    even quiet heat that lasts for hours. beats the damn noise of the oil burner going on every 1/2 hour.
    these clowns intend to destroy our country as it is. face it.
    just saying.

  4. I’m with Deathray and others until I see hitlery on a guillotine deck. In clown world some people don’t know they are the clown.

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