15 thoughts on “Washington, DC?

  1. I don’t see enough suits for it to be D.C. I’d guess it was Nevada.

    Either way, its a cool picture.

  2. one could only hope. for our once great state, we have uncle fester the brain dead
    and a fat ugly guy who thinks he looks great in long hair and a dress.
    the sad part is before the selection, you had a hard time trying to find signs for fester around here. like maybe one or 2 in a town. and on election day there was a line to vote. even the old folks where there with their walkers and stuff all voting
    AGAINST that assholes. or so they said while waiting to vote.
    I don’t think we ever again going to have a free and fair election in this state.
    one old guy even said that day, “we are wasting our time here”

    • I agree with that old man. On election day this last time I did not vote. Nothing but assholes and communists to vote on here so I stayed home.

        • I use Daffy Duck or Goofy frequently as a write in.

          The thing is, you can’t leave the line blank for whoever you don’t want to vote for, when it’s both, because they’ll steal it.

  3. I wish, from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure. – Bear Claw, a day in the life

  4. Did you see all that white privilege?! Oh my goodness it’s a miracle anything got done….LOL

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