Vox Popoli, https://www.voxday.net./Vox Popoli, Thursday Dec. 29, 2022,

The Vicious Circle

Americans are the only party that can save the USA from Clown World. The Sino-Russian alliance can, and will, resist the US military, but it is not strong enough to liberate the USA the way it can, and will, liberate Asia and Europe:

Russia can do many things, but it cannot liberate the USA from the grip of the Neocons. That is something which only US Americans can do.

And here we hit a vicious circle:

The US political system is most unlikely to be effectively challenged from within, big money runs everything, including the most advanced propaganda system in history (aka the “free media”) and the population is kept uninformed and brainwashed. And yes, of course, a major defeat in a war against Russia would shake this system so hard that it would be impossible to conceal the magnitude of the disaster (think “Kabul on steroids”). And that is precisely why the Neocons cannot allow that to happen because this defeat would trigger a domino effect which would quickly involve the truth about 9/11 and, after that, all the myths and lies the US society has been based on for decades (JFK anybody?).

There are, of course, plenty of US Americans who fully understand that. But how many of them are in a real position of power to influence US decision-making and outcomes? The real question is whether there still are enough patriotic forces in the Pentagon, or the letter soup agencies, to send the Neocons back down into the basement they crawled out of after the 9/11 false flag or not?

Right now it sure looks like all the positions of power in the US are held by Neolibs, Neocons, RINOs and other ugly creatures, yet it is also undeniable that people like, say, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard are reaching a lot of people who “get it”. This has to include REAL liberals and REAL conservatives whose loyalty is not to a gang of international thugs but to their own country and their own people.

I am also pretty sure that there are many US military commanders who listen to what Col. Macgregor has to say.

Will that be that enough to break through the wall of lies and propaganda?

I’m more optimistic than The Saker, mostly because I think the system will begin the process of its own demise by undermining its own foundations. The imperial collapse will inevitably come, which is why Americans need to be ready to reassert their right to rule in their own country, even if that is no longer the geographic totality of the current political entity.

10 thoughts on “Vox Popoli, https://www.voxday.net./Vox Popoli, Thursday Dec. 29, 2022,

  1. The Putin speech you get to if you follow the links is interesting. Russia has good leadership for WW III. We have Brandon.

  2. Unfortunately, I am not so optimistic. I am afraid that TPTB would rather see it all burn down than give up control. The won’t allow another Trump presidency, or anybody else that isn’t under their control. They are just as likely to scamper off into their bunkers, and launch nuclear missiles at Russia at the first hint that they are losing control, because they know if they lose control, they are as good as dead.

  3. This is all a possibility so buy my book.

    Listen, every level of government in every country all the way down to the city level is broke which leaves the possibility of desperate people doing desperate things.

    It takes money to conduct a war, money we don’t have and cannot print as no one would want it via treasuries. China would probably dump the balance of what they hold. The Fed could buy them but then super/califragilisticosis-hyper inflation takes over which creates the same outcome.

    Plus the fact our military and their weapons are toast. China controls the rare earth metals so when you again hear the press talk about someone running out of missiles and the lack of ability to replace them it would be us, the FUSA.

    Fuck these evil bastards but in the end it only depends on whether you have prepared for the after life. I know where I’m going, do you.

    Bring it, I will be in a better place and not stuck with all these assholes in the world.

  4. trump was the last free and sort of fair vote. after that happen, they changed the rules to suit them. and after 2022, we will never have anything but a democrat in power. too many key states are gone over to them. we are fucked.
    so, stock up on food, ammo and heart. I still think the only way trump won is they didn’t plan on him getting that many votes.
    not going to matter much anyway, the clowns in charge are going to get us in a war with Russia before the end of next year the way they are going. the problem is they believe their own bullshit. these morons still think and act like we could fight like we did in WW2 ? how, I have no idea.
    and they even think they can “win” a limited nuke fight ???
    and again, it is the assholes who will never face a bullet are the ones calling for war. I seen enough of this country to love it in spite of a lot of problems.
    but the assholes in the dump of clowns need to go. most of us here know that is true and needs to happen.
    it is why I moved into the hills and away from any target or large city.
    the stupid is going to get millions killed because of their beliefs
    at this point, if Vlad did drop a nuke on DC, he would be doing the country and the world a favor ! other than a few good ones, there is nothing worth saving there anymore. you really think the country is going to last until 2024 ?
    I don’t. like I have told my friends, we are at late stage empire. our money is worth next to nothing like it once was, debt is unreal ! and we have clowns and freaks and morons running things. good luck everyone, we are going to need it.

  5. Russia can’t “liberate” Ukraine. Putin started a war he can’t finish and is already scraping out prisons for industrial manpower and cannon fodder. He’s scraping the bottom of the barrel for military equipment, and can’t cloth, equip, or feed his new cannon fodder.
    Beale (Vox Day) has a number of problems with his futurism. He, like MacGrego0r, has been uniformly wrong about the war. He’s bought Putin’s lies uncritically, and stupidly. Carlson and those like him are simply spewing Putin’s propaganda for him. They are a pathetic mess.

    • Apply those principles to every cuntry including the FUSA. Either some dumbass pushes the button or nobody does. Same outcome either way. I just want ukraine eliminated so there is no place for our tax dollars.

      • ps I check in at voxday occasionally and saw this already. “All” the media people are grifters if their revenue depends on it. Everything posted is sensational, my sodium intake from the grains I have had to take would piss my doctor off.

  6. Russia and China “liberating” Europe???

    I don’t know what you boys are smoking, but I am sure it isn’t doing your brains any good.

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