Unbelievable, Jaw Dropping Stupidity!!

I am still trying to wrap my head around this one.

Couldn’t they freaking SMELL IT?!!!

And EVEN BETTER, they are just draining it out on the ground in a gas station parking lot?!!

Jesus Jumping Jehosephat!

This is World Class Stupid!

22 thoughts on “Unbelievable, Jaw Dropping Stupidity!!

  1. Looks like they put the nozzle in the rod holder and stood around for an hour.

    The stupidity hurts.
    They shouldn’t be driving , let a lone towing a trailer.
    They should also not be allowed to vote or procreate.

  2. One more thing,
    They are just hosing it down. If that is going down a storm drain it will be evaporating in closed space. More Idiocracy.

    • Yeah, I’ve seen a storm drain explode. Shit ain’t funny if you’re standing next to it.

  3. yeah. that is just unreal. maybe the best thing to do is throw them a lit match and remove their ass from the gene pool. maybe the safest thing to do is run a few large fans to help it evaporate. or pimp it into every car/truck that comes in
    to drain the damn boat of gas. now are they drunk or high or just real fucking stupid ?

  4. Having spent more days around boats on the Chesapeake Bay and in the Atlantic fishing and hunting than I can remember. all I can say is I’ve seen some really crazy things happen. What we saw right there is one of the reasons marinas don’t allow you to haul your fuel to the slip and fill your own boat.

    I’ve seen boats sink and also burn to the waterline. I’ve watched them not follow channel markers and run aground and even into one another.

    Boat ramps are a great place to sit in a lawn chair for an entertaining couple of hours if you want to see some silly stuff being done by idiots. I’m talking slip and falls, possibly a drowning and fistfights aren’t uncommon.

    • I’ve seen some crazy things on the waterways and boat ramps as well my friend. Boating is not for dummies. That’s why I leave the boating in the hands of the capable husband who has been boating for the better part of his life. What gets my crawl is being targeted by the DNR when we dock wanting to see and measure our catch, see our license, checking our safety equipment etc, all the while ignoring the diversity lining the river, likely no license, fishing out of season and without any regard to state regulations. Fuckers.

    • my one friend did the same thing but at the parking lot at either home defect or Lowe’s . he would even film some of the better (?) ones to share with others later. I gotten to the point where I refuse to go anywhere near either place on weekends.
      some people ask smart questions and others should never be allowed anywhere near tools. thank god I am retired as I go early in the am and get out before the morons come.

    • I noticed as well. The only thing I could think is that maybe they did it deliberately in order to tilt the boat and help drain the gas? That would imply some level of intelligence higher than what someone filling a boat full of gas would have.

    • Holy smokes good catch, now wait for it to bend over and spark when pulling out

  5. anytime you have free time, go sit & watch at your local boat ramp if there is one…almost as fun as a theme park

  6. Check out ( among other similar channels ) “Miami Boat Ramps” on YouTube .

    Hours of entertainment !

  7. A couple of the crew fueling one of my boats stuck the gas nozzle in the toilet pumpout deck fitting. Melted the plastic potty tank and flooded the boat with highly flammable shit. Told hem I was not cleaning that mess up.
    Another time, a crew off of our push boat left their lunch buckets in the wheel house and the windows open. Crows got in, but could not get out. An amazing lot of ‘waste’ was distributed in the pilot house. I refused to clean that up, too.

  8. “Boat for sale. Missing floor, seats and wiring. Needs repainting”

  9. The boat plant I work at was having a show for the dealers, They would take one to the station fuel them up , well the same exact thing happened to a one of a kind, brand new boat. Only put about 40gal in it. No battery in it so bilge pump didn’t work or it might have been a little spicy.

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