Trump Got Indicted Today

34 counts of business related crimes they say.

Indicted a Former President, For Realz.

I am personally ecstatic that they went ahead and set that precedent.

Because I am looking at some crooked motherfuckers who should start looking over their shoulders from now on.

14 thoughts on “Trump Got Indicted Today

  1. Sadly, not an effing thing is going to happen. The Republicans in .gov have no balls. Sure, there’s a couple that will take a stand making statements about how outraged they are, but they won’t DO anything and neither will any of the rest of us.

    It’s not coincidental that NYC is the place where they chose to first openly impose their tyranny on a Presidential candidate. Mostly, just the criminals have firearms there.

    NYC’s .gov is so scarred shitless, they’ve called all police officers to duty today and they will remain on duty until after Trump surrenders. Not that most NYC policemen could hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle.

    To quote a line: “This is the end of the beginning” and the beginning of the end.

    The USA is done, finito, over.

    They took away the soap box and the ballot box. There is only one box left, but IMHO, it won’t be used, at least not now.

    • After I posted this, I read a story somewhere relating that Speaker McCarthy says “there are going to be consequences”.

      Like WHAT Kevin? Since CONgress has no power of arrest or prosecution, just EXACTLY what are those “consequences” going to be? Oh, we’re going to subpoena people to testify before some committee where they’ll get a SEVERE tongue lashing while lying their asses off?

      Whoopidy effing do.

      Stop pissin’ on my leg and telling me it’s raining.

  2. Next up;
    The commies March a goat into the senate claiming its Fetterman

    And daring anyone to contradict them.

  3. Meanwhile, the Chinese just sold LNG to France for Chinese yuan and began a trade deal with Brazil in their own currencies, Iran and Saudi Arabia are now trading in their own currencies, and a host of other nations are also in the process of ditching the US dollar.
    But that’s all fine, you all just keep watching the Pantomime on the Potomac.

  4. In his case indictments don’t mean shit but they will spin it daily, oh look squirrel.

    • Its not the indictment, per se, what bothers me. Its that the clowns have gone so far to think such things are good ideas and millions of others think its swell.

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