8 thoughts on “True dat!

  1. Yeah, I can count at least 3 occasions where I should have been dead but somehow dodged the reaper.
    1) Careening around a curve in the hills of PA at night in a 65 Chevy only to find a logging truck cattywampus across the whole road (logger was unable to make the curve). Windshield stopped 1 inch from the center frame.
    2) Rail crossing, no signal, no barriers, no horn, crossed with about 3 ft to spare between rear bumper and the engine.
    3) (the earliest event) Per parents, apparently stuck a fork into a 220VAC outlet at age 3, leg jerk saved my ass while propelling me across a 12 ft wide hall sliding head first into the wall, had a very hard head and still do.

    Oh yeah, became a EE in real life.

    There are more, but these were the near Darwins.

  2. I always tell people that if I had known I would live as long as I have, I might not have done some of the stupid stunts I did when I was younger. As it is, I suffer from a lot of joint pain from the stupid stunts that I survived but wasn’t fortunate enough to walk away from without injuries.

  3. Remember the old tire commercial with the multiple guardian angels flying along with each tire through the storm and the pot holes? I was issued a platoon of them, they were rode hard, put to bed wet and rotated regularly. More near death experiences than I can remember, pretty sure I’m the genius wit that I am(s) because of some undiagnosed concussions.
    My poor, long suffering (not so silently) wife and companion since 1976 (when I worked in the San Diego shipyards as a crane rigger) Is STILL amazed at my good fortune at avoiding the grim reaper. Might be luck. but I’ve always respected Murphy and thanked him on many occasions for not defeating my platoon of guardian angels.

  4. Upon hearing a recoilless rifle round whizzing overhead, I dove to the ground near a T wall. The grenade hits the wall and land 3 feet from me. Thank God it was a dud.

  5. 2 could have killed me and they weren’t even hold my beer scenarios. Now the hold my beer scenario’s, well let’s just say God was not done with me yet for all of them.

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