Today’s Tool Challenge Totally Stumped Me

Courtesy of Mr. N,

About ten minutes after he let me know what it was I kind of vaguely remembered seeing a picture of one about twenty five years ago.

11 thoughts on “Today’s Tool Challenge Totally Stumped Me

    • Nope.
      This is a tough one.
      Even knowing what it is, I had one hell of a time even finding a picture of another one, let alone anyone using it.

  1. OK all you guessers, here it is.
    Lemme tell ya, it’s damn near impossible to easily find any examples of this actually being used.
    You can see what it’s for here, this guy is using his axe handle.
    For our example, you drive the wedge end into the trunk, loosen the small handle and swing the pulley up near where the back side of the saw is going to be in the cut, put the saw up and get it started and then final adjust the pulley.
    You let the pulley hold the weight of the saw and it guides it too.
    Pretty clever and very rare to find these days, obviously.

    • I have heard the phrase under bucking but never knew what it was. Bucking as well. Used to watch those lumberjack contests. The ones who would axe a slot then stick a board in it to ascend up were my favorite.

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