Thought I’ll let y’all know… No, I am not gay.

I have the series scheduled for the next two weeks, but posting for me might be spotty as I am going to be helping my brother fix his back fence and dig a French Drain and channels and an overflow pipe to the street culvert from the side of his house. I’ll be hot and sweaty and when done for the evening I am sure gonna be collapsing from working my ass off. Cold beers and steaks I am sure will be in the mix…

9 thoughts on “Thought I’ll let y’all know… No, I am not gay.

  1. Well, I am really glad that we cleared up that widely held suspicion.


    Try to stay alive during the work!

    • I dunno, couple white claws and a steak………….we could be dealing with manbun swingin kilts in a couple of weeks.

      • Attention folks – Don’t diss the kilt! I have had more women grass my ass in a kilt that at any other time

        PS I’m a true born Mick with Scottish tendencies

  2. We’re going to be needing pictures of this.
    Err, I mean of you doing this. And if we see Bud lite in them then the caption is a lie.

  3. Best tip for the French drain. 1st define the trench. Use a square point shovel to make Vertical cuts down both sides of the trench. The correct method has the handle pushed forward enough that the blade is vertical. The two lines are one shovels width apart. 2nd with a round point shovel, work backwards down the trench, removing one shovel worth of solid dirt with each cut. The backwards part is key. Start six inches back from the dug part and lever the shovel back against the solid ground to free. With the pre cut sides the chunk comes out easy and whole. 3rd, use a square point shovel to level the bottom of the trench.
    The trench can be dug deeper by repeating the process but the angle of the shovel head makes it difficult to get much deeper without a different tool like a half moon edging tool.

    I always found the cure to lower back pain after these kinds of fun involved “the hair of the dog.” Go out and work up a sweat using the same muscles that hurt.

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