Clear back in the 1990’s.
No joke.
The good news is that millions of people are finally waking the hell up.
The bad news is that the ones who took The Jab are the walking dead and don’t know it yet and the coming famines are going to decimate the total population.
Harden your hearts, Death on a scale no living human has ever seen is coming.
We were warned but nobody was listening.
Wow ! I’ll bet he ain’t on this side of the dirt !
Don’t think so. That was then, he’d be a Dead Man Walking now…
they used to handle problems like this more on the quiet side. heart attack or
death by MVA. something along those lines. today, good chance of a mugging gone wrong. prussic acid I think was used to “give” the target a heart attack back
then, neat thing about using that was all signs of it being used would be gone in a hour. only thing left was the smell of almonds. just saying of course,,,,,
the problem with sheep is they keep their heads down eating grass until the wolf
bites them.
WEF and all those other phukkers involved don’t know what’s coming, it will be glorious.