8 thoughts on “A “rad” cool truck. Phil contributed… Igor like?

  1. Radial engines, some of them, put out crazy amounts of horsepower as well as torque. Could be a interesting ride.

  2. This truck was created by a couple of brothers who own a junkyard in Colorado. If you watch Roadkill episode for the disgustang, they mention this truck.

    • Thought it was a Wright-Cyclone, but it’s a Jacobs 7-banger. CederQ and I were discussing exhaust and how to get the power to the transmission, we correctly guessed a toothed belt affair – they’re quick ‘n dirty and cheap to boot. Relatively cheap.

      Bitchin’ machine!!

    • Gonna have to visit his archive and check it out.

      His testing of the static P51 or spitfire engine can’t remember was pretty cool also.

  3. I’ve had a chance to Drive a WWII M4 ‘Sherman’ Tank, and with a Supercharged Continental 9-Cylinder, it gets out of its own way quite respectably – You don’t even use 1st Gear on level ground, that’s for Hill Climbing or Ditches. Simply Massive Torque, like a Diesel Engine, at pretty low RPM’s.

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