17 thoughts on “This one came from Johno, just watched and I must say the elites are grooming us to eat fucking bugs

  1. Wen I was in Scouts I got to go through an abbreviated SERE course at Fairchild AFB (obviously not called SERE, but Wilderness Survival Training!), and we got to eat bugs. LIVE bugs… with the legs removed. This was back in ’67, when men were men and boys had someone to look up to!

    No thanks. They do NOT taste like chicken.

    • Igor, I highly recommend Major Les Hiddens’ Aussie ABC television’s “The Bushtucker Man”. Available on ABC Iview, abc.net.au and now on YouTube, I think.
      Fantastic camera work and music, non-PC series from a Vietnam War veteran (not that he mentions that).

  2. And from what I’ve been reading if you have a shellfish allergy pay attention to the ingredient lists on any processed foods you are buying. They starting to stir bugs into them.

  3. come payday, I just add more canned meats to the stockpile. fuck that shit.
    was talking to a friend of mine and we both get the idea that gas prices will go up again after the “election”, so we both going to try and stockpile a bit more than the few cans we have now. who knows, might be worthwhile to buy a clean 55 gallon barrel and fill it up with the non corn stuff.
    diesel is still like 5.25 per gallon so heating oil is about the same then.
    I put a lock on my fuel oil tanks for the first time in my life a while ago.
    one thing I do hope is the people near these assholes go and do the whole French thing with them when the time comes. that alone might be worth getting cable installed to watch. or hang them as I good either way.
    either way, this is not going to end well here or over there. we both have a large
    group of illegals inside our countries and they want handouts now.
    the only thing in our favor is the fact that a lot of us are armed and plan on staying that way.

  4. I want to see her eating that every day at every meal.
    Next week she’ll be hawking a twat stinking line of sauces to stir fry them in.
    All that showed me is the bint is long past her prime and irrelevant.

    • Ah, Deathray. I wonder, given the choice of: A; a night howling at the moon with a Sasquatch babe, B; a night spent hot ‘n sweaty underneath the Tank. Or C; a night in Nicole’s arms. What would you choose, and how would you spend your time, doing just what?
      Eager enquiring minds want your answers, and maybe have their own suggestions for your convalescence!

        • Yeah, but all the different chores applicable in handloading your own ammo only last so long, unless you fire it daily on your own private range, just so you can reload each case again.
          You can’t listen to any of Phil’s music that he posts here because you can’t go searching the Alaskan bush when your poor doggy is forced to vacate your mountain lair to preserve his hearing, of is she a music lover?
          Unless that friendly local librarian of yours is willing to keep up with her home visits to improve your “reading skills”, then you’ll probably limited to knitting, while listening to NPR socialist radio.
          You were lucky that your dad was able to help you out. My friend Trish suffered the same injury as your own, but due to complications and hospital-acquired bone infection, requiring yet more surgery, she wore a ‘moon boot’ support for 18 odd months. Now she hobbies around her farm, in chronic acute pain. The poor lady, I hope you don’t face a similar fate.

          • •her• hearing. Bloody phone’s auto correct, and me being unable to see the screen well, and too slack to proofread.

  5. Nicole used to do humorous ads promoting Aussie roast lamb meals. It’s a big comedown to flog bug meals, I wonder if it was just money that got her to flog this, or if she is promoting the dark side as an idealogical imperative, or was being married to a height-challenged Scientologist closet-dwelling gayboy all too much?
    Her father fled Australia as he was about to be arrested on paedophile charges, including allegedly running a child sex ring. When the cops tracked him down in Asia he died suddenly, taking his and his friend’s secrets to the grave.

  6. Not gonna watch it. Fuck that commie bitch. Hope she has all her vaxx’s and boosters.

    • Nah, BC, I doubt that she’s done more than gotten her Vaxx passport for travel to and fro to Hollyweird. I think she’s an ‘insider’, or at least a useful person connected with them. Although those bugs that she put in her gob may have been real, they were probably just fakery by the lie factory. I mean, that is how she earns her living, after all. I’d still root her, but.

  7. I saw an article yesterday at DM with her proclaiming that the bugs keep her thin. Had a good laugh over that one.

  8. Locusts are both halal and kosher. Our elites can eat “bugs” too. (Ironically, true bugs — order Hemiptera — are not kosher.)

    Speaking of “elites” this morning I got a fundraising text from Jared Kushner, of all people.

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