They Really Do Think You Are As Stupid As They Are

I see the other day that The Fed Chairman was talking about introducing the electronic “FedCoin” to replace the almost completely dead paper Federal Reserve Note that they have been slowly but surely strangling to death for decades now.

The realization that the rest of the world has finally had enough of their economic shenanigans and are building systems to completely avoid using the Dollar as a trading medium has finally dawned on the crooked sonsabitches.

Here’s my shocked face at that bit of news.

In case you somehow haven’t grokked how that shit will impact everyone, here is a pretty straightforward explanation,

FedCoin will give the government a godlike ability to track wealth…

Physical cash gives you anonymity because it’s offline. When you transact with dollar bills, only you and the other party to the deal have to know about it.

But the only way to spend, receive, and store FedCoins will be via an app on your smartphone.

And all transactions will be recorded in a centralized government database.

That makes FedCoin a sort of anti-cash.

Everything you do will leave a permanent record for the feds to monitor and track.

And the feds won’t just be able to snoop on you. They’ll also be able to block you from making certain transactions. As Doug has written…

“If I’ve got a $100 bill in my wallet or a bunch of 10s and 20s, I can spend them on anything I want with anybody I want and nobody knows. With blockchain… [the feds] know exactly who’s getting the money and what it’s being spent for.

And it can be programmed so that certain transactions can’t take place. So you are pretty well blocked in. [T]he government knows exactly what you’re buying, what you’re selling, how much you are earning.

They’re in complete control, able to take what they want… including your entire account if you become politically undesirable.”

It’s a totalitarian’s dream, in other words. Imagine what Nazi Germany’s secret police, the Gestapo… or the KGB in Russia could do with that kind of information.


Is that clear enough?

Now I have talked about this electronic “Crytpo” money bullshit before but I am going to let you do some mental computations of your own here and process what I mean with what you are about to read here and see if you can put 2 and 2 together yourself.

Much of the U.S. could see power blackouts this summer, a grid assessment reveals

A grid reliability report says power outages are likely in parts of the Midwest, California and Texas. The Western drought and a mismatch between supply and peak summer demand are some reasons why.

Now ask yourself the question that if we are going to be forced to use digital currency by one arm of TPTB and yet we are being told that there might not be the electrical grid available at times that is absolutely necessary to be able to use this digital currency by another arm of TPTB just exactly how are we supposed to buy and sell things IN THE FUCKING DARK?

See what I mean about them thinking we are as stupid as they are?

For fuck’s sake, at the rate these morons are going, we might well end up going back to using Beads and Shells as money.

24 thoughts on “They Really Do Think You Are As Stupid As They Are

  1. Wampum is a bit passe, but trade material both in hard goods and skill set with tools are going to be valuable commodities when (not if) the dollar goes Zimbabwean or Venezuelan.

  2. Beyond stupid. At the 3:45 mark, and again at 4:18. Watch the whole thing for full effect.

    Heh, go Raiders. I quit watching sportsball decades ago, but I still remember the days of–

    Daryle Lamonica
    Fred Biletnikoff
    Warren Wells
    Ben Davidson
    Ken Stabler

  3. I’ve been spending time at my mom’s place lately. Was patching a hole in the cellar rim joist and found about 5 cigar boxes of tumbled agate and petoskey stones my folks had picked up over the years of ‘up north’ Michigan camping. She said I could have them. Maybe they will work for currency. I’m rich!

  4. You didn’t even mention the tax angle, Phil – “The power to tax is the power to destroy!”
    “Should five percent appear too small,
    be thankful I don’t take it all!
    ‘Cause I’m the TaxMan, yeah-eah, I’m the Tax Maaaa-aaan!
    And you’re workin’ for no one, but Me!”
    (The Beatles were rather pissed at PM Wilson’s tax policies. They moved to the US shortly thereafter!)

  5. If ye not fight when victory is neatly assured why would ye fight when victory is near untenable? (Paraphrasing Ben Franklin)

    Doesn’t anyone heed the warning in the words of Solzhenitsyn? Are we too to kick our own asses when in the camps?

    Now is the time. They have brought the fight to your very door. Yet shall we squander our time and energy in faint cries of, ‘keep yer powder dry’ as if in some forsaken dream reality we share the spirit of the Minute Man.

  6. I don’t pay much attention to these sorts of stories except to be aware of the idiocy. As Glen Filthie is so fond of saying: “Har-har-har!” Pull the other one why doncha?
    The broader lesson though is to consider diversifying in tradable goods. Gold may be real money, used throughout history, but it’s a bit hard to make change for. And as Selco has taught: The time to acquire your gold is AFTER TSHTF, when people will trade Grandma’s wedding ring for a decent meal.
    I’m keeping a sizable reserve of cash to work for the short window when the grid goes down and cards no longer work, and the time when that cash again becomes just junk paper. As for making change; booze, cigarettes, and .22LR are commonly mentioned. Easily portable, divisible, and storable. Absolutely anything can be a trade good if you have it and someone else wants it and has something you want.
    I also recognize that skill at barter is something I sorely lack. Need to practice that a lot more. I believe Phil, that you once mentioned trying to buy something from a guy who didn’t want your cash. He just said “Whatcha got to trade?”

  7. Suits me. I have been cutting semiprecious stone and doing silverwork for 48 years now, in addition to performing work as an industrial mechanic for 35 of that last 40…If you’ve nothing for me to repair, how about this nice ring/pendant/bracelet or pretty rock in exchange for…? Love me some bartering!

  8. barter is big out here in the country. and the common idea around here is the less the tax man knows about anything they doing the better.
    history says the whisky rebellion started in this neck of the woods too.
    skills and work will always be bartered out here. and stuff or tools you might not use anymore are worth a lot to people who still can use them.
    cash is always going to be king.
    besides the federal gov’t is not well liked or very few people believe anything they say anymore about anything. there are whole lot of fuck biden flags and signs everywhere around here. so, I really don’t think anyone around here is going to jump on the fed coin bandwagon .

  9. For those who follow and believe in (good legitimate) crypto, you should research the network. It containerizes crypto-including USDT-and allows its use for micro-transactions at 1M tx/sec. MC Visa only do 2-4k/sec. The softnote bills can also be printed and exchanged like paper fiat. Network transactions are anonymous, unlike BTC, ETH etc.

  10. “And it can be programmed so that certain transactions can’t take place.”
    anyone who doesn’t believe the above, go ahead and purchase some rubles with your U.S. dollars today; let me know how you fare.

  11. “Central Bank Digital Currency”, and its associated “Social Credit Score” are possible ONLY through the “Cell Phone” Network, with that I-Crap ‘phone’ THAT YOU PAY FOR.

    Get Rid of that Tracking Device/ ‘mark of the beast’ Today.
    Get Out of the judeo-communist “banking system” Now.
    Be Prepared to Eliminate the ‘Apparatchnicks’, the Local bureaucracy AND the neighborhood ‘Karens’ who support them and serve as their ‘spies’.

    • Noticing is crimethink.
      Calling things what they really are, out loud, is hatecrime.

  12. and the media will sell it to the sheep as the best possible move by the government in the “War on Drugs”

  13. Then there are practical matters. I live in an area where there is no cell service. No cell service, no transactions.

  14. When the digital shoe drops, the devils will have us by the hair of the ass. We all go to barter but they’ll make that illegal. (Fuck em) Bad social score? Sorry, pal. You’re fucked.. Wanna buy neighbor’s mower? O.k. Swipe your card. You pay sale tax and he has to show as income. Fucking assholes.

  15. I really don’t think the US Gov’t will ever go to digital currency. For one, the IRS will basically have no function and the personal income tax businesses will dry up because the gov’t will simply send you either a refund or a bill since they’ll have all the details in our assets. Two, the drug and gambling industries need to operate on dollar bills and not crypto and the gov’t is likely tied into those income streams at some level. I just don’t see it.

  16. what if you don’t use or have a cell phone ?
    got rid of mine right after I retired. have not miss it once yet.
    don’t want one either. I have a landline and not in my name.
    the farther off the grid you can get the better you life will be.
    the gov’t doesn’t like that at all. you don’t see any pay phone around anymore
    like you used to . they don’t like them either.
    still tired as hell from splitting close to 2 cords of firewood today.
    made a deal with the tree guys, I give them cold beer everyday and they dump
    all the good firewood in my driveway. he doesn’t like paying taxes either.
    barter works very well for us little people. already I have over 1000 bucks of firewood, ash and white oak and him and his crew get cold ice tea’s and cold beer for the drive home. FJB and the tax man.
    every time the gov’t drops my money in the account, I take out a lot in cash and use the rest to pay bills. the less you “keep” in the bank, the better off you be.
    remember what they did up north of us to the truckers and those who helped them.
    the gov’t loves that kind of power.

    • My first thought wasn’t people like you. It was people like deshawn, lacreatia, Jose and Pablo. I guess we’ll be giving them phones, interweb access, and electricity?

  17. why in the name of all that is holy would anyone go along with a shit for brains idea like that after everything we have seen over the last few years? it boggles the mind

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