8 thoughts on “They Call Him….. Tater

  1. Well, duh. Silencer requires the gas to escape slowly (slower than the regular release, that is.) Which is why you use an empty 2 liter bottle.

  2. So that is the secret encrypted in the Wiggles’ “Hot Potato”! Just one of the many subversive tunes on the hit parade, endlessly recirculating on W-KRAY, broadcast from Deathray’s secret mountain lair at Bumfuck North, Alaska.
    That is just one of the songs cleared for the playlist by Deathray’s Doggy, who famously disapproves of Phil’s choice of headbanger tunes!

  3. the problem is there was no exit for the bullet and gas (pressure)
    and by the look of that barrel, I would say centerfire or high power rifle/ammo.
    there needs to be a exit for the bullet/pressure for anything like that to work.
    another thing, suppressors work BEST with low power ammo.
    you want a large bore, slow moving bullet, say a 45 long colt, or a low power 44
    special round. and one other thing, if dumb fuck had made a hole THRU the spud first, his barrel would still be in one piece.
    what he did was the same thing as blocking the muzzle. not real bright.

  4. There was a picture in the paper of a twelve gauge, single barrel . Dude found it in the attic and just Had to go shoot it. It was folded back better than that one. Apparently dirt dobber nests are bad too. Left a Lasting impression.
    If light isn’t getting down the barrel, don’t.

    • Many many years ago, when I was 12, my dad went to Ed Karrer’s Gunatorium. We saw a 12-gauge that the owner had used as a “crutch” (or prop) in the snow, and the barrel apparently was plugged with some snow/ice.

      THAT impressed me to always make sure the barrel is clear! Even among handguns. Chamber pressure is chamber pressure, and squibs are squibs. We’re talking high explosives here!

      Stay safe.

      • 50 odd years ago a friend and I were out bird hunting after 14″ of fresh snow had fallen. As we’re walking along another hunter was coming from the opposite direction carrying his shotgun in one hand. It was swinging along with his arm motion. As it was coming up I noticed the end of his barrel was plugged with snow. I pointed it out to him. He said Thank You.

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