20 thoughts on “The Smart Move

  1. Wonder what the response would be if a large enough percentage of truckers actually did this. Wonder if Pedo Joe and Justin Castreau would order .Mil to
    start driving these trucks. Regardless it would throw a giant wrench into things if enough truckers just went “John Galt” for a while.

    • Wife works in the Grocery biz – and, its the hidden secret. Most grocery stores get a delivery every 2-3 days for most perishable items, 5-7 for non-perishables. They get quite nervous when the weather report shows bad weather coming – the locusts descend, and devour the Trinity (bread, milk, Eggs, and sometimes TP), and it takes 1-2 weeks to get them back up to normal levels.

      The pandemic (or, whatever that 2yr ‘two weeks’ period is called) showed the fragility of our supply chain, distro methods, and the threadbare nature of our consumerism.

      Everything works like a ballet – the need, the order, distro from the supplier, distro from the centralization source, deliver to the retail space, buy by consumer, consumption. Wash, rinse, repeat.

      And, truckers did a total stop one time before – back in the middle 70’s, when they attempted to raise the tax on diesel fuel, and rationing due to the oil crisis. Our retail space came to a grinding halt, and the public screamed. The oil spigots and the tax rumblings quickly came back on, and live returned to our sedate normalcy.

      Now, a modern example would be kill the internet. Mass suicides would stack bodies like cordwood, due to the lack of the cyber-crack…

  2. Take all of your money out of the bank too.
    Starve the motherfuckrs to death.


  3. I’ve been posting the same strategy on other sites over the last few days. I apparently created such a stir on one site that the site owner deleted the article.

    Shut it all down. No trucks on the roads delivering the things that make this and other countries run. It won’t take long. 3-4 weeks at the outside.

    I recommend honking a couple times a day, nationwide, just to wake them up. Twelve noon Eastern and progressively earlier across all time zones to the west coast for one to two minutes. Then again at 4PM and 8PM eastern with the same earlier progression across time zones.

    I commend the Canadian truckers for their patriotism and fortitude. However, sometimes in war, a strategic retreat is necessary to save the army for the push to the final goal. They got 90% there. They created world wide focus, attention and copy cat movements in other countries.

    Not that they were the first. Australia tried it, but they used the wrong strategy IMHO.

    The story is so powerful, even the lame stream media, despite their collusion with governments around the globe, had to cover the tyranny of mandates mostly without the usual propaganda.

    Biden is going to make the same mistakes that Turdeau made.
    He will be defeated by the strategy outlined in Dan’s post above. The U.S. truck convoy SHOULD go to Washington. However they should leave after 3-4 days or a week. They should go home and stay there until federal, state and local governments recognize the error of their ways and change course.

    The absolute best way to beat these tyrants is to starve them out. No food, fuel or goods until they get it.

    It won’t last long. The dindoo’s will be rioting after day 3 when they can’t get their chicken & waffles and watermelon.

    Sure, Buydem could activate military logistics operations to supply DC if the bridges are blocked. However, there are NO airports inside the beltway. That leaves supply by sea. DC port facilities aren’t equipped to handle that kind of volume.

    Next problem is how do you move the quantity of food and fuel, never mind goods, required to keep DC running to end point distribution; grocery stores and gas stations, without 40 foot trailers to haul food and fuel. A deuce and half is no substitute for a 40 foot trailer capacity wise and neither is a 400 gallon fuel buffalo a substitute for 60,000 gallon fuel tankers, even if you had thousands available for the task, which they don’t.

    Once they’re cowed into submission, there will be aftermath backlash, but it won’t be what one would expect. Fed .gov will quietly build up DC’s port and distribution infrastructure so that they can laugh at the next siege, which will come.

    They won’t be giving up on tyranny anytime soon unless they are prevented from doing so by removal from society.

    • Two points, trucks haven’t used 40′ van for years, 48′ or 53′ dry vans and tankers can only top out at about 5,000 gallons, because they would exceed 40 ton weight limit. I drove liquid O2 tankers and because O2 is heavier then water about 4800 gallons I could carry. Gas is lighter then water but still only about 5000 gal is the capacity. and you would need more tankers.

      • Inside Oregon, we can gross 105,500#.
        Triple twenties are common.
        But Oregonian folk would not work up a good spit if district of columbians were burning.

        • That is dry, tankers, especially Haz-Mat rated tankers still are at 80,000#. Liquid behaves differently in tankers then a dry load of whatever. I am from Oregon and use to drive there and I am aware of triples, I have driven them once or twice and would not drive them again.

  4. I’ve been saying the same thing now for YEARS. ANd not just truckers; EVERYONE. Take a week off and watch the .gov wail for lack of tax revenue. Nobody has to go ANYWHERE. Just hang out with the neighbors and the family and watch the retards in government “re-assess” their thinking.

  5. Wrong! The vermin will drive to the nearest suburb and loot anyway. Hopefully they’ll turn to cannibalism and solve their own problem.

  6. I agree the truck driver should take a vacation of undetermined length. (at least 2-4 weeks) and see what happens.

  7. An excellent idea! Think about it. There would very little need for the truckers to worry about logistics like food, fuel, bathroom needs et al. The truckers and others in the supply chain could extend the protest for months on end in the comforts of their own home. They would be on their own turf in familiar surroundings. If they live in a tight and trustworthy neighborhood they can get the help and support they need, privately on the down low. No msm adding fuel to the fire.


  8. Another reason to NOT have the convoys in the US is January 6th. Look what they’re doing to everyone who was anywhere near DC on that day. If the truckers stay home, they won’t be arrested for “terrorism”, “insurrection” or other bogus “crimes”.

    At least for now, doing nothing (refusing to work) is still legal in this country. Unless Biden pulls a Trudeau and declares martial law and says refusing to follow government orders is now a crime.

  9. “Staying home” will get the message across, but those truck payments keep coming every thirty days.

    • Springfield, Oregon.
      I was at the Peterbilt dealer.
      A new dump-truck (‘tipper’) was us$260,000.
      That was a couple-three years ago.
      Before you earn a cent, you pay 12% (twelve percent) federal tax for the privilege of buying the truck.
      Is that us$31,000?
      To help compensate [sarc], Oregon truckers pay about seventeen cents tax for each mile they move.
      These taxes are in addition to fuel taxes, taxes on tires, wage taxes, and a general annoyance tax for being cantankerous.

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