17 thoughts on “The Liberal Tears Are Flowing At Levels Not Often Seen!

  1. I’m confused. Was Hitler a nazi or a commie? I thought he was a nazi who fought the commies. Or was he a shape shifter who could assume either identity?

    • Bolsheviks, Mensheviks.
      Commies who fought commies….
      Catholics, Protestants.
      Christians who fought Christians…

      Fighting Commies doesn’t make you not a commie.
      Fighting Nazi’s doesn’t make you not a nazi.

      Stop listening to left wing sources.

    • Hitler was a Nationalist/Socialist.
      He led the “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei”, or “National Socialist German Worker’s Party”.

      • Look at what people do, not what they say or call themselves.
        Hitler only added ‘socialist’ to the party name to sound populist and attract working people.
        He was supported by the wealthy business owning class, cut back on the welfare state, banned trade unions and outlawed abortion for Aryans anyway. Doesn’t sound like a socialist to me.

  2. Best one yet!

    I’m sure, as the Silly Season progresses, they’ll only make better ones!!

  3. Just wait until the penultimate act unfolds…….
    Biden “wins” again.
    Trump sits in jail while the deep state gets shiny bracelets and three hots and cots at GITMO and Camp Blaz and the military steps out of the shadows and explains how military occupation works.
    It’s gonna be fun!

  4. Kinda funny how “Maddow” pops up on the screen as Hitler says “Stalin”. Not far off there… (RickeyG)

  5. This vid should be “pinned” to top of every freedom site on the web.

  6. Rule 5 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

    • True that. The ridicule or exaggeration has to have some logical consistency or some basis in fact. Hitler was a right wing dictator. If the video was of left wing dictators like Stalin or Mao it might work as effective ridicule.

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