10 thoughts on “The Halloween Decorations Are Up

  1. Some guy in Utard had to take his down, the neighbors didn’t like it.

    He WAS using a stop sign pole, which is why he had to take it down. He relocated with a different pole – the neighborhood helped out, from the article…

      • Yessir, I am officially a Utard now. Surrounded by Mormons, y’know…

        Still yanking crap out of boxes and wondering where I’m going to put all this crap. Whomever finished the basement is an idiot studying to be a moron – lots of rewiring, plumbing, wallboard, framing.

        I need to get my back fixed pronto!!

  2. Phil, hey, Tacticool sent it to me to diss you and you ruined my evil-day-ween post, now I have to delete it, thanks, boss… you know what boss spelled backwards means don’t you?

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