The Eve of 2023 Open Thread

I don’t feel the need to be beating a dead horse today.

We all know deep down that the real shit show is coming down the pike at 100 mph headed right for us.

It’s all planned and it’s all directed with malice.

What’s going on in your AO and what do you feel should be the best course of action to mitigate the damage coming?

Jokes, stories, memes, advice, whatever ya got , it’s wide open today.

There are a few things I have to do today, I am currently waiting for The Wifely Unit to get mobile and start barking.

After I take care of the immediate business this afternoon, I have a couple of small projects I would like to get done today just to kind of kill some time and so I can say I actually did something productive instead of sitting here on my ass playing on the internet, which is pretty much what I did all day yesterday.

Every once in a while I need a day off just like everyone else.

So have at it.

I will monitor this thread as I am able.

I will close here by wishing everyone a Happier New Year but as the old saying goes, wish in one hand and shit in the other…

I stuck this post at the top for the rest of the day.

32 thoughts on “The Eve of 2023 Open Thread

  1. I am making creamed spinach to put on as a side for my charkute and cheese plate. Gonna warsh it down with an 1.5 litre of Carlo Rossi red and watch Guy Lombardo vids. I am as ready for the great pooping as I’ll ever be. . Happy New Year!

  2. Instead of working toward coping, tuning out, prepping… look toward building and leaving something for the good people that will come after us and need to start again.

    It will leave you in a much better frame of mind.

    • Y’all hurry back quick smart, Ray-Ray. There’n be two lonely, chilly chest-puppies don’t wanna gets no chillblains awaiting y’all attentions!

  3. Where I live, the issues are somewhat foreign. Wide spot in the road. Close enough to NM that a smooth-runnin’ jackass can make it in 1 or 2 days. The only thing I have to help folks is tools and some hand involved knowledge. Biggest struggle here is water. People leave us alone. For now. Happy New Year to you all.

  4. Well, the best advice I can give for the upcoming 2023 sporting events is…be Mo-bile and Hos-tile….

  5. I am way out in the middle of the Mark Twain National Forrest. All but one of my neighbors has plenty of weapons and amo. We’re not as stocked on food as I would like, but still working on it. We should be able to ride whatever is coming out.

  6. Going through my “end of year life review”. Last year’s resolution was to spend at least an hour a day in my shop. Accomplished that. I have a very clean and organized shop. All of those half done projects are done. And I have 4 of the 5 “honey-do jobs” done.
    My next job, making closet shelves is to begin next week.
    I’m going to wander over to glenfilthiescamp and agree with him. I have strong suspicion that we will have a rough go of it next year. BUT, I’m going to put on my warrior cloak and give ’em hell before they get me.
    Not happy with society right now, and I’m beginning to not care about anybody feelings or gender identity.
    Screw em.

  7. I’m still more or less constrained to 100% bed rest and pretty much total isolation, so I don’t pick up some bug that is enough to put me under. As a result I don’t have first hand current knowledge of what is going on in the community but I can make a pretty good guess.

    If it all goes pear shaped most folks here will be dead or thinking about eating their neighbors by the end of the first week. There is just no thought given to preparing for any type of hardship.

    Case in point several days ago we experienced around a six and a half hour power outage starting in the evening. Low temps overnight were down in the single digits. Number two son and daughter lifted the smaller genset out of the shop, checked vital fluids and after running a fifty foot extension cord we had the house heat and a lamp operational. We could have run much more, especially if we pulled out the big genset. Stepping outside within earshot (small community the whole town is within earshot) there were only three or four generators in running besides ours. After a few hours people were sitting in theirs cars with the engines running to get heat. Everyone else was sitting or attempting to sleep in a slowing cooling house. I reached out to a few elderly women telling them we could bring them to our home if they got too cold or wanted to come.

    So that pretty much represents the degree of preparation on any front being done by locals.

    Myself, I don’t watch TV and I’m not into any gaming type of stuff so I’m making sure I have a full three years of new seed to add to my seed bank. If you’re not preparing to grow your own food you may be going hungry.

    I’ve also been hitting the loading bench to fill in a few holes and working up some loads in anticipation of getting healthy enough to shoot. The doc tells me it will be at least another three months before I can start shooting recreationally.

    When I run out of steam at the loading bench I hit my tying bench in anticipation swinging flies on some mountain stream when they open. I would dearly love to get in some summer steelheading as well.

    Beyond that I’m too weak to do much. The 460 engine rebuild is on hold, several shop projects are on hold. There’s too much snow for me to try doing anything outside, besides the doctor scared the shit out of me about what could happen if I push myself.

    As far as the shitstorms heading our way I don’t have any more give a fucks. What is going to happen will happen and they will get here when they do. I’ll deal with the reality of that when it gets here. Without blowing opsec we are quite well prepared for surviving most anything that comes down the pike.

    My two weaknesses are medical/first aid and having trusted compatriots to have my back and we are working on the medical stuff.

    Well I’m running out of steam, see you all on the other side.

    • Good luck, Wes. Yes, life can be rough, king-hitting you when you’re not ready. I’m barely mobile myself, but I didn’t anticipate the speedy onset from diabetic blindness, something that even diabetics relegate to a’may happen one day’ class.

      • The best back to you Johno, I hope the coming year brings improvement to your health and situation.


  8. Here in the middle of the woods Kentucky gas is between $2.39 and $2.45, diesel is running around $3.99. Grocery store shelves have most everything, and like everywhere else, the prices change with the wind. In the nearest big city, looks like a certain group of people are trying to eliminate themselves from the population by breaking records on killings, another stellar year. In the woods all is good. Happy New Year.

    • Just wait until the new taxes hit energy sources that Pedo Joe and his Merry Band of Knaves, Fools, and Thieves hit us. Tomorrow,

      • Igor, blackguards, you missed that old descriptor. I think of it as quite appropriate, if out of fashion these days.

  9. Narrowed down my bucket list.
    Win the Lottery
    Wait for the next Civil War
    I’ll be sitting on the porch with a beer and a rifle waiting for either one.
    I just don’t give a fuck any more.

    • Reminded me of a bumper sticker from the ’60’s “Kill A Commie for Christ….”

  10. Trump won by a solid majority. There are the corrupt, the useful idiots and virtue signalers versus ~70% of the population. I’m rural and I can’t find anyone that supports Biden or the dems. What surprises me the the 20 somethings, they should see what is coming and be out with pitchforks and torches.

    I like the comment about rebuilding, but it is society that will need rebuilding more than masonry. Our checks and balances system didn’t work and we have to figure out why and how to fix it. Sadly I think a lot of younger people are going to die from both the clot shot and because the have been taught the government will take care of them. I’m on a farm and the gov’t services the taxpayers like the bull does the cows.

    Practical people with a knowledge of human nature and history have been sidelined for about 30 years, maybe more. Be ready to teach with the students are finally ready to listen. Think positive. Build networks, know we are the majority and have been silent too long.

  11. My Historical frat has established chapters from Montana south to Mexico all the way to the Pacific. Satisfactory! My 3 sons have all given me g’kids, and most are crack shots. I snowbird between Idaho and California, so I’m as Blessed as I can be. Peace, Cheer and Love to all!
    Got a bottle of Blanton for Christmas!

  12. Prepped as I can be. I have skills useful to a community and people here that are like minded and skilled as well. When the State/county/local pols have no solutions to the coming problems all of us will just have to be the ones with answers ONLY for our local communities. Help only the people that are willing to work for the group and be responsible to each other. STAY CALM AND KILL COMMNISTS.

  13. For those who are fans, the over-the-airwaves-free TV channel “Decades” is running a whole weekend Binge of ‘Twilight Zone’ episodes until something like Monday morning 2AM.

    Happy New Year to all!

    • It’s on the SY FY channel too. Teh Wife has been binge watching it all day.
      I can look up with a glance and tell you what the story is because I have seen them all multiple times.

      • Really something how those episodes are timeless and still relevant today, especially the plots about how mankind treats mankind. Serling and the other contributors were geniuses.

  14. Couple days ago I received my electric bill in the mail. Usually, I let it sit unopened until it’s time to pay it around the middle of the month.

    I opened it.

    The billed amount is 1.5X what it was two short months ago and the same 1.5X it was for the same billing period a year ago.

    The electric co. provides a convenient analysis of your usage going back a year on the back of the bill. I used the same amount of KWH this past billing period as I did last year when my bill was ~$55.00. I can’t imagine how people with electric heat are reacting to their new bills here in central New England.

    Can’t wait for my nat. gas bill to arrive after that thankfully brief cold spell a couple weeks ago. The past week or so the only time the heat cam on was first thing in the morning to rewarm after being off all night. The rest of the heating has been provided by old sol. That’s cost me this summer.

    Gasoline is $3.29 where I usually buy it. That’s down from $3.35 where it was up until around Thanksgiving.

    No shortages on supermarket shelves. Beef prices have been pretty stable for the last 6-7 months. Pork has been on sale compared to a couple months ago, but that’s usual this time of year when pork producers kill off the bulk of their herds so they don’t have to feed them during the winter.

    • Here in Washington state they banned natural gas as the primary source of heat for any new construction. Electric has to be the main source. All in the name of climate change, meanwhile the rates are rising. My buddy is building a house for his daughter and it’s going to cost an extra $12k to build but it’s going to have a “backup” natural gas furnace.

  15. South Florida is mostly normal, joggers shooting innocents in road rage incidents, that sort of thing. Nothing too visible of the influx of “newcomers” from Joe’s open borders, but I’m thinking that will change with time. Continuing with life, such as it is, continuing with additional preps as I think of them. Need to have a look at the shelf life of some items and think about turnover.

    I expect 2023 to see China invade Taiwan, Russia to take advantage of the frozen ground pretty soon and roll up to what they want the new border to be. Watching for a false flag and hope one doesn’t appear to drag the world into more serious chaos and death.

    Happy New Year to all.

    Keep an eye on this one – start reading at page 12

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