19 thoughts on “The Abject Stupidity Of Modern Society Never Ceases To Amaze Me

  1. Yep. A boar that size will need at least 3 stubfarts to deal with it. How’s your pistolcraft these days, Cederq? You’d put him down with one, while I strop up the knives and load the beer cooler… and Phil could fire up the BBQ and be ready for that sumbitch by they time we had him dressed out! 👍

    Good grief…Pet the widdle piggy, Nigel? What’s the matter with ya fookin head?

    • you have no idea how many morons really think that way.
      they are called wild for a reason.

  2. Fuck that was killer! This idiot prolly walks in traffic while staring at his dopamine dispenser searching for likes!

  3. I’d bet there was blood involved and I seriously wonder if Nigel survived. Like Darwin really needs that much help…

  4. Wild pigs are nothing to eff with, not that it needed saying. WTH did he think those tusks were all about?

    Apparently this guy never read a book or watched a TV program about wild African animals before going there.

  5. A friend of mine from Africa swore by his .300 Holland and Holland Magnum for Warthog. He owned a big chunk of land and would shoot every wart hog he could and feed them to the locals. A .300 H&H is something you don’t see every day but it sure would have changed the outcome of this situation!

  6. YUP. we used to call dumb shit like this the Bambi morons.
    almost every ER I ever worked at had at least one of them come in.
    squirrel bites, gored by a Bambi. or any other critter they saw on Walt’s magic tv show. no shit, while working outside philly on weekend. this cop came in gored by a buck. the deer fell in one of those window well things and bright boy “JUMP” in to save him. the cop was fucked up. deer got 4-5 holes in his cheat/belly area and lots of hoof marks on the rest of him. they shot the deer after that happen.
    he said. I thought the deer would understand I was just trying to help him get out.
    I did get written up by the ER staff for laughing at him.
    stop working there a month or so later. there was a lot of stupid up there.

    • Ya can’t fix Stoopid, not even with Duct Tape.
      “Paging Mr. Darwin, Mr. Charles Darwin – please pick up the White Courtesy Phone on the wall of the Main Auditorium!!
      Paging Mr. Darwin!”

  7. Never met a pig that had anything but a sort fuse n a bad temper. Wild with those tusks I would be trying to make him into bacon.

  8. This one feature tells you more about a person that just about anything else: Faced with unexpected adversity, do they respond with courage, or do they scream for help?

    If you’re first response to adversity is to cry for help, you’re not a man.

  9. Darwin was right, survival of the fittest is a thing, so have at it bubbas with video cameras.

  10. The thought balloon over the pig’s head.

    I’ll just walk over to him, nice and easy. Don’t wanna spook him. I don’t feel like running yet. I’ll just act cool,,walk right up to him and lay into his dumb ass.

    Is there Any critter that would just let that sumbitch walk right up to it?
    I have a simple rule about critters.
    If it lives outside and nobody feeds it, it’s tough. If it looks soft and cuddly, it’s still that tough thing that doesn’t get fed and housed by someone. Don’t mess with it.
    Soon as I saw that pig I would have been in the house. And laying hands on a gun. If that guy survived, I’ll bet his lens he sees the world through has changed.

  11. Holy shit, that made me jump! Wasn’t expecting that level,of stupidity

  12. I’m sorry, but I just can’t stop laughing my ass off. What is wrong with these morons? I suspect they would also jump in the water to feed a gator too. We’ve got these damn wild pigs here (not THAT size) that come out at night and tear shit up. Don’t want to get anywhere near them, (don’t get near damn gators either!).

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