4 thoughts on “That is what it would look like in my area…

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  2. more like lost in the state game lands around here. or stripped and dumped down a old mine shaft. (we have those too) the is a very good chance it would never be seen again. there are a lot of combat vets up here who want to be left alone.
    either way, not a job you could pay me enough to do.

    • Dave, here in Central Northern Idaho is very rugged and most places are hard to access due to poor roads, weather (deep snow) and rock slides. There are good old boys and gals that live up in those mountains that are hard core hillbillys that may come in once a month to shop.They bring a trailer typically for enough space to take back groceries and supplies. They live up there with black/brown bears, grizzles, mountain lions and moose. You think they are afraid of some pansy assed feds coming up and taking their guns and shine? Gonna be a whole lot of fibbies and atfs come missing. Even the cops around here, local, sheriffs and state poffers and wildlife leave them alone for the most part.

  3. When you see them coming just start play the Dueling Banjos, make them feel right at home.

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