7 thoughts on “That is the way it has been for far too long.

  1. gee, you mean like selling our oil to China ?
    or maybe letting other countries buy up our farmland ?
    or is it selling our tech to other countries ?
    back in the 1980’s we used to joke about the chunk rocket program- it was going no where. funny how it all changed around 1995 or so
    or maybe the fact that circuit boards are made overseas now instead of here ?
    you know all the ones that are in all of the new fancy rockets and shit ?
    and these fools think we could fight WW2 again ?
    it is going to take a lot more than 4 years to stop what is happening to the country today.
    and after seeing what happen yesterday, voting is a waste of time anymore.
    the whole world is laughing at us. free ? yeah, right.

  2. after what I see in this election. the USA is covered in DUMB ASS. STUPIDITY IS THICK. WE ARE FULL BLOWN COMMUNIST IN OUR FUTURE. MAKES Me SICK

  3. Yes, bad election results. And I’m going to lay it squarely in “our” laps.
    We bitched and complained and meme’d till the cows came home.
    The best analogy I can think of: not teaching your children religion and letting them experience the world, and then being shocked when the kids grow up and have no faith.
    We, the “normals” allowed our children to be educated by the world, we didn’t INSIST/DEMAND that schools teach love of country, or to be patriotic. We the “normals” thought the next generation would clamor for the American way.
    Why would they if they were never taught about that way.
    Our country is heading to hell in a handbasket, because we neglected teaching the kids.

    • When you look at the election maps by district, it is APPALLING to see entire states controlled by one or two big cities. At least we had our red wave in FL where the population is more distributed and the idiots in the Democratic strongholds didn’t get to dictate to the entire state. The margins for our major candidates was astounding so at least here and some other sane states we will try to buck the dictator in the Whitehouse. FJB!

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