8 thoughts on “That is obvious… disband the 501C-3 tax exempt and tell the fed gov to stick it!

  1. No need to comment otherwise, this is the way it needs to be. If you are silent, it implies acceptance.

  2. Wasn’t the deal….you get tax exemption; but you can’t preach about politics or tell whom to vote for?
    Doesn’t seem to be working for any of the black congregations.

      • How about this; the church speak with the same fervent conviction as did Christ about His Father’s business. And let the chips fall where they may.

  3. How about we do away with the income tax and replace it with “The fair Tax Plan”. Then none of those rules would exist and churches would not have to worry about it. There is a book written by Neil Bortz that explaines the tax plan. It replaces the federal income tax with a sales tax on new items.

    • Here’s a better idea, become self employed and stop paying income tax. Yes, you get to keep ALL the money you earn.

  4. Time to get off the cruise ship and get on the battle ship. All denominations are starting to see and move on it. How much can God-fearing ‘mericans take? ‘Bout to see.


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