4 thoughts on “Supper Time At Wirecutter’s Place?

  1. Reminds me of a steakhouse I used to frequent which had a big grazing pasture across the road from it. Wonder how the cows (porterhouse on the hoof) felt when the west wind carried that aroma of burnt cow right up their nostrils?

  2. I have a cockatiel pet. His name is Spike. It often squawks unceasingly when I’m cooking dinner or breakfast. I usually have eggs for breakfast. I opine to Spike that I’m eating his cousins when I’m cooking eggs or chicken and he’ll be next if he doesn’t shut up. Doesn’t shut him up, but it makes the squawking a little more tolerable

  3. Pingback: Well, of all the sarcastic, smart-assed, blog posts I have seen, this one might be the best! - The DaleyGator

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