18 thoughts on “State Police confiscating the still behind the new Tool Nerd Clubhouse. Gonna ruin our Saturday night hoe-down.

  1. Where is everybody? Anybody commenting or have you abandoned a sinking ship? I am not getting anybody on my comment board to moderate and wondering if the blog is still flucked up

    • Newby . Love the site. Been going back and forth with this wild ride and am looking forward to the show.

      • AHH! A commentator! Welcome Sawed Off, it has a been a wild ride. Hopefully we will get our stuff together and give ya’ll a better show.

    • Now have four different site address saved, never know which one will work. Between the 404’s and 401’s, thought I would take a sit back and wait attitude. I always give it a few days and check on Irish’s site for info.

      • Smokey, this is the the primo site, Phil has made an executive decision and he likes having control of the blog if it goes down. The Vulgar Curmud site is the back up and will have some posting activities so it won’t be considered abandoned or not in use. We are not at this point will be using the Cold Fury site so the only two I suggest to bookmark is this one and Vulgar Curmud.

  2. At this time I don’t know where I am or on who’s site but it’s great to hear from Phil and company. Maybe this time will work

  3. I had a comment on Phil’s post go through. Didn’t want to be clogging up the works if my thoughts weren’t that brilliant rhetoric.

  4. Cederq, people weren’t sure if you’d properly recuperated, and could handle the load. Your pal Deathray probably can’t get a signal through all the snow over his cabin, seeing as the Sasquatch took the phone wires to make snare traps.

  5. No problem
    Let’s put a team together and go take it back.
    Should be easy now that the entire force is busy beating people for not wearing a mask. They more than likely have it set up themselves. Selling it out the back door.

  6. Deathray, I do like the new avatar/icon that Cedreq picked out for you. It looks so – liberating. How is life in the far, far north?

  7. That wouldn’t be a problem.

    Only a flatlander rookie operation doesn’t leave a brokedick half-ass easy-to-find still in plain sight, to keep them from looking for or finding the state-of-the-art one in the hidden room back of the root cellar.

    It’s the same reason you throw a mugger a bait wallet.


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