Soon They Won’t Be Able To Walk Down The Street

The reality of it is, none of the fuckers responsible for this nightmare would dare walk down the street right now.

The Normies are Waking Up and they are going to be Pissed Off.

The Rats are going to be scurrying for their burrows in large numbers here real soon.

4 thoughts on “Soon They Won’t Be Able To Walk Down The Street

  1. “I don’t condone violence”
    Well, there’s your problem right there. The people fucking with you do not fear you. I realize nobody wants to be the test case, but when the time comes stack them deep enough the survivors dribble a bit of piss when they hear your name. A strongly worded letter won’t even get you a window seat on the train to the camps.

    • If he doesn’t condone violence, he’d better hide behind someone who does. If the situation in Ukraine takes off, the streets won’t be safe for ANY of us to walk down.

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